Figuring out whether or not Rocket League is cross platform can be simple—check the settings! Then, gain access to tons of new teammates.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 1 year ago
Play around with the camera settings in Rocket League and your gameplay will immensely improve. Take a look and try out our suggestions!
Written by Rhett Roxl | 1 year ago
Like many online multiplayer games, Rocket League offers ranks and a ranking system. Here's everything you need to know to rank up.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
Couch co-op games that let you play on split-screen, such as in Rocket League, are as rare as blue moons these days.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
You need to accept the License Agreement in Rocket League, as it's an important part of the legality of the game. Here's how to accept it.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
Credits are the main form of currency in Rocket League. However, you have to spend real-world money to get credits.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
The Speed Flip in Rocket League is a great mechanic to move around the arena much faster. It's also employed by pros to win kickoffs.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
The Fennec is one of the many vehicles you can use in Rocket League. It has an Octane hitbox which is why it's so sought after.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago
The variation between vehicles is minimal, but they can definitely feel different from one another. Here are the best cars in Rocket League.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 2 years ago