To complete one of the later main missions, you'll need to figure out Uxie's eyes puzzle solution, as this legendary Pokémon will test you.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are eight Eevee evolutions—and all of them are in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Here's how to get all of Eevee's final forms.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Munchlax is a rare spawn in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. As such, it can be tricky to find and catch Munchlax. Here's where you need to look.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
It takes a while to evolve Ponyta, which is a bit odd for a Pokémon species that you can find very early in the game. Here's why!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
While there isn't a way to directly spawn Space-Time Distortions in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, there are some ways to find them more easily.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To catch Manaphy the legendary Pokémon, you'll need to progress through Request #66: The Sea's Legend—here's how!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To evolve Tangela, you'll have to use a similar method as in past Pokémon games. Here's what you need to know!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To get Gallade, you'll need to understand how the Ralts evolutionary line works. Here's what you need to know about this Pokémon family.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Like with plenty of other pocket monsters, you'll need a specific item if you want to evolve Rhydon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
In order to evolve Magmar, you'll need the help of a certain item. Thankfully, unlike in other Pokémon games, you won't need to trade it.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you want to evolve Electabuzz, you'll need a certain item. Here's what you'll need to use to get an Electivire!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you need to find Cleffa in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, there's a specific spot you should look. However, when you look there also matters.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are a few tasks that require you to do them during a full moon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Here's how to trigger one.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna, you'll need a special item and proper timing. Here's how and when to upgrade your ursine partner!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There's only one way you can find a Magnemite in Pokémon Legends: Arceus—here's what you need to know about it!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To get an Espeon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you'll need to either find one or evolve an Eevee. Here's how you can do so!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Some Pokémon don't evolve when simply leveling up—and Riolu is one of those Pokémon. Here's how to get your Riolu to evolve into Lucario.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To evolve Gligar into Gliscor, you'll need a certain item. However, you'll also need to use it during a specific time of day.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
In most Pokémon games, you need to trade Graveler to evolve it. However, things work differently in Pokémon Legends: Arceus—here's how.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are a couple of ways of obtaining a Weavile in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. You can either seek it out in the wild or evolve a Sneasel.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To evolve a Hisuian Voltorb, you'll need a special item. Here's what you need to know about how to get a Hisuian Electrode.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Catching Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus works a bit differently than in other main series Pokémon games. Here's what you need to know!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Although Growlithe has a new Hisuian form in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the way to evolve it remains the same as in past Pokémon games.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Qwilfish can evolve in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, but there's a specific method you'll need to use. Here's what you need to know.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
The first time you encounter Giratina in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you won't be able to catch it. However, you can track it down later.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You'll need to fulfill some unorthodox requirements to get this request to appear. However, when you do, completing it is simple.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Rotom and its many forms can all be obtained in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. However, this is not exactly a straightforward task—here's why.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you want the cute and loveable Shaymin, you'll need the help of another Pokémon game besides Pokémon Legends: Arceus—here's why.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Unlike many other legendary Pokémon, you'll need more than determination and skill to obtain Darkrai in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Shiny Pokémon are rare, but how badly do people want them? Apparently, many are willing to pay real money for such pocket monsters.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago