Key Takeaway
The Bookseller will only appear in Pelican Town on specific days twice a season. Here’s a list of the possible days he will be in town (his dates will also be on the in-game calendar):
- Spring: 11, 12, 21, 22, 24
- Summer: 9, 12, 18, 26, 27
- Fall: 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 19, 22, 25
- Winter: 5, 11, 12, 19, 22, 24
Skill books and a Bookseller merchant have arrived at Pelican Town in the 1.6 Stardew Valley update! While Secret Notes are something else entirely, these power books are part of the “Special Items and Power” tab, making your daily farm life easier. Get your hands on these books as soon as possible!
Table Of Contents
Bookseller Location in Stardew Valley

Like the Traveling Cart, the Bookseller is a traveling merchant who appears only on certain days. The Bookseller arrives in Pelican Town via hot air balloon twice a season on specific days.
Similar to festivals and the Flower Dance, the Bookseller dates are listed on the in-game Calendar with a hot air balloon icon. Players will also automatically get an in-game notification upon waking up to say, “The Bookseller is in town today” on their actual day of arrival.
Regardless, here’s a list of the possible days the Bookseller can appear in Stardew Valley for each season:
- Spring: 11, 12, 21, 22, 24
- Summer: 9, 12, 18, 26, 27
- Fall: 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 19, 22, 25
- Winter: 5, 11, 12, 19, 22, 24
Finding the Bookseller is pretty simple, as arrows and signs point to its location. Head across the bridge as if you’re going towards the JojaMart (or the Movie Theater if you’ve completed the Community Center bundles). Then, go directly northeast and up the ramp to find the Bookseller’s location.
What Books Can You Buy?

You may wonder: what’s the point of books in Stardew Valley? These books can do anything from permanently increasing your base movement speed to granting automatic XP in skills like Farming! As such, the Bookseller is definitely worth investing money into when they come to town.
Here is a complete list of all the books that can appear in the Bookseller’s inventory and their set prices. We have also included other means of obtaining some of these books.
Book Name Description Price Availability Notes Other Ways To Obtain (If Any)
Bait And Bobber Read this to gain 250 Fishing experience. 10,000G 60% chance to appear (This is mixed across all skill books worth 10,000G). • Purchased from the Traveling Cart for 6,000G (1% chance)
• Catching regular or golden Fishing Treasure Chests
• Using the Prize Machine in the Mayor's Manor (20% chance to be the 15th prize)
• Opening Mystery Boxes
• Digging Artifact Spots (0.11% chance)
• Shaking trees with seeds (0.024% chance)
• Slaying monsters (0.018% chance)
Stardew Valley Almanac Read this to gain 250 Farming experience. 10,000G 60% chance to appear (This is mixed across all skill books worth 10,000G). • Purchased from the Traveling Cart for 6,000G (1% chance)
• Catching regular or golden Fishing Treasure Chests
• Using the Prize Machine in the Mayor's Manor (20% chance to be the 15th prize)
• Opening Mystery Boxes
• Digging Artifact Spots (0.11% chance)
• Shaking trees with seeds (0.024% chance)
• Slaying monsters (0.018% chance)
Mining Monthly Read this to gain 250 Mining experience. 10,000G 60% chance to appear (This is mixed across all skill books worth 10,000G). • Purchased from the Traveling Cart for 6,000G (1% chance)
• Catching regular or golden Fishing Treasure Chests
• Using the Prize Machine in the Mayor's Manor (20% chance to be the 15th prize)
• Opening Mystery Boxes
• Digging Artifact Spots (0.11% chance)
• Shaking trees with seeds (0.024% chance)
• Slaying monsters (0.018% chance)
Combat Quarterly Read this to gain 250 Combat experience. 10,000G 60% chance to appear (This is mixed across all skill books worth 10,000G). • Purchased from the Traveling Cart for 6,000G (1% chance)
• Catching regular or golden Fishing Treasure Chests
• Using the Prize Machine in the Mayor's Manor (20% chance to be the 15th prize)
• Opening Mystery Boxes
• Digging Artifact Spots (0.11% chance)
• Shaking trees with seeds (0.024% chance)
• Slaying monsters (0.018% chance)
Woodcutter's Weekly Read this to gain 250 Foraging experience. 10,000G 60% chance to appear (This is mixed across all skill books worth 10,000G). • Purchased from the Traveling Cart for 6,000G (1% chance)
• Catching regular or golden Fishing Treasure Chests
• Using the Prize Machine in the Mayor's Manor (20% chance to be the 15th prize)
• Opening Mystery Boxes
• Digging Artifact Spots (0.11% chance)
• Shaking trees with seeds (0.024% chance)
• Slaying monsters (0.018% chance)
Book Of Stars Read this to gain some experience in all skills. 15,000G 25% chance to appear. A possible reward from the Racoon quests in Cindersap Forest (after the 5th quest).
The Alleyway Buffet You will have a greater chance to find items in the trash. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Obtained from searching a golden garbage can located in the easternmost region of Pelican Town, north of the Minecart track outside the Blacksmith.
Art O' Crabbing Crab Pots have a 25% chance to yield double. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Obtained as an Iridium-tier reward on Winer 12 or 13 during SquidFest.
Dwarvish Safety Manual Bombs will deal 25% less damage to you. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Purchased from the Warf's shop for 4,000G.
Jewels Of The Sea Fishing Treasure Chests have a 25% chance to yield Roe of the fish they are trying to catch. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Has an increasing chance to drop from Fishing Treasure Chests, starting at 2% and increasing by 0.1% for each Fishing Treasure Chest opened.
Raccoon Journal Weeds have a greater chance to drop Mixed Seeds. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Obtained as the reward for the second request from the Raccoon family in Cindersap Forest. After that, it's available for 999 Fiber at the Raccoon Wife's Shop.
Woody's Secret Felled trees have a 5% chance to yield double the wood. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Has an initial 0.03% chance to drop from chopped tress, increasing by 0.001% for each tree dropped until the player gets the book.
Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick Gain +1 Defense. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Has an inital 0.8% chance to be dug up from Artifact Spots. This increased by 0.2% until it drops.
Friendship 101 You become friends with people a little faster. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Obtained as the 9th prize from the Prize Machine inside the Mayor's Manor.
Monster Compendium Monsters have a chance to drop double loot. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. The chance to be dropped starts at 0.01%, increasing by 0.015% for each monster killed until it's dropped.
Mapping Cave Systems Get a 50% discount on Marlon's item retrieval service. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Obtained from a box in the back room of the Adventurer's Guild after slaying 1,000 monsters.
Treasure Appraisal Guide Fetch a better price when selling artifacts. 20,000G May appear at random for 20,000G, starting in Year 3. Has a 3.57% chance to be obtained when opening Artifact Troves.
Way Of The Wind Pt. 1 You run a little bit faster. 15,000G Will always appear. N/A
Way Of The Wind Pt. 2 You run a little bit faster. 35,000G Will always appear after receiving power from Way Of The Wind Pt. 1 N/A
Horse: The Book You gain extra speed when riding a Horse 25,000G Will always appear. N/A
Ol' Slitherlegs You can now run a lot faster through grass and crops. 25,000G Will always appear. N/A
Queen Of Sauce Cookbook Learn any Queen of Sauce recipes you don't already know 50,000G Will always appear after 100 Golden Walnuts are found on Ginger Island. N/A
Price Catalogue You can now see the value of items inside your inventory. 3,000G Will always appear N/A
However, these aren’t all the books available in Stardew Valley. The Animal Catalogue, bought from Marnie for 5,000G from Year 2 onwards, lets you access her shop when she’s not around. Meanwhile, The Diamond Hunter power book is available at the Volcano Dungeon Dwarf shop for 10 Diamonds. This power book is a great money-maker, upping your chances of getting Diamonds from mining any rock.
The Stardew Valley Bookseller is the gateway to unlocking powers beyond your wildest imagination, leveling up your Stardew Valley gameplay. Want to explore the other goodies the 1.6 Stardew Valley update has to offer? Find rare items to uncover the purrfect weapon or delve into the secrets of the beloved mayor’s basement.