Reyadh Rahaman

Reyadh Rahaman is a storyteller who uses different mediums to see his tales come to life. Since the beginning of 2020, he has been writing full-time, both for non-fiction freelance contracts with websites like VGKami and Game Rant as well as for his work as an independent author of speculative fiction (fantasy, horror, and science fiction). However, before this, Reyadh worked as a videographer, photographer, audio-video technician, and in other positions since 2010 that allowed him to use the knowledge and skills that he has accrued through years of media and artistic specialization.

Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, Reyadh has always been fascinated by anything to do with arts and science, which led him to delve into the world of videos and photos--which he believes are ideal balances of his two favourite subjects. Reyadh studied Broadcast Television/Videography at Humber College, where he learned the ins and outs of how to work with audio-visual technology to tell stories in interesting and accurate ways. Since then, he's tried out different forms of storytelling and felt a calling to pursue writing, which he did and found a career as a writer through various outlets.

All throughout his life, Reyadh has had a deep love for video games, as he feels like they are chances to explore new and interesting worlds. Though, no adventure is any fun without conflict, and so Reyadh found himself preferring games that allowed for detailed combat and confrontations with powerful enemies. As such, titles in the RPG genre are what he usually finds himself playing, though he also very much enjoys strategy games, more unique titles that defy classification, and much more. Some of Reyadh's favourite games are Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade, where he mastered battlefield tactics, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, where he slew more monstrous fiends and human foes than he could count, and Dark Souls, where he snuffed out the First Flame and became a Dark Lord after besting all those who dared to stand before him with berserk usage of the Dragon King Greataxe. As such, Reyadh found himself becoming more and more influenced by video games and grew to love them more each and every day.

After a time, he became a fiend who bleeds tales from his fingertips more than he writes them. He scribes stories that intend to blow the mind and break the heart, though, fear not, as his strategy guides seek only to help out fellow gamers. He also writes poetry for fun, but is not a poet; just a demon whispering rhythmic incantations. To check out some of Reyadh's fiction, visit his website:, where you can read a lot of his shorter work for free as well as learn about his dark fantasy novel, Inner Expanses, which has nearly all 5-star reviews on Amazon and his short story collection, Unusual Tales for the Curious Mind, which is his newest and most promising release yet.

Blasphemous 2: Where to Find All Silver-Clad Crystal Shards
To get your Bile Flasks to restore as much health as possible, you'll need to obtain all the Silver-Clad Crystal Shards in Blasphemous 2.
Blasphemous 2: Where to Find All Daughters
To complete the House of Hatred and Grief questline, you'll need to find all the Daughters in Blasphemous 2. There are five to find overall.
Blasphemous 2: Where to Find All Forgotten Tributes
You'll need to find all the Forgotten Tributes in Blasphemous 2 if you want to get 100% completion. There are three in the game.
Blasphemous 2: Where to Find All Abandoned Rosary Knots
If you want to fully upgrade your Rosary, you'll need to find all Abandoned Rosary Knots in Blasphemous 2. Overall, there are four of them.
Blasphemous 2: Where to Find All Empty Receptacles
Getting all Empty Receptacles in Blasphemous 2 is necessary for holding the maximum number of Bile Flasks. There are four of them in total.
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Sínodo, Hymn of the Thousand Voices
Your best best to beat Sínodo, Hymn of the Thousand Voices is to equip Rosary Beads that give you resistance to fire and miasma damage.
Blasphemous 2: How to Use Yellow Sparkles
Before you can use yellow sparkles in Blasphemous 2, you'll need the Scion's Protection ability—which is found in the Severed Tower.
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Odón of the Confraternity of Salt
To beat Odón of the Confraternity of Salt, you should take advantage of his non-attack moves to deal damage to him.
Blasphemous 2: All Veredicto Weapon Memories
Want to know every single one of your flail's skills and perks? Then check out this list that contains all of the Veredicto Weapon Memories.
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Benedicta of the Endless Orison
To beat Benedicta of the Endless Orison, you'll need to up your air game! By that, we mean using double-jumps and air-dashes with precision.
Blasphemous 2: How to Upgrade Veredicto to Level 3
Before you can upgrade Veredicto to level 3, you must reach the Sunken Cathedral. Here's where to find Veredicto's final upgrade statue.
Blasphemous 2: How to Upgrade Ruego Al Alba to Level 3
In order to upgrade Ruego Al Alba to level 3, you'll need to find the appropriate statue in the Crown of Towers. Here's where it is!
Blasphemous 2: How to Break Through Blue Chains
To break through blue chains in Blasphemous 2, you need the Mercy of the Wind ability. It's found in the Crown of Towers area—here's where!
Blasphemous 2: How to Improve the Healing Power of Bile Flasks
In order to improve Bile Flasks in Blasphemous 2, you'll need to bring specific quest items to your favorite partially-flayed NPC.
Blasphemous 2: How to Upgrade Veredicto to Level 2
If you want to fortify your favorite flail, you'll need to locate a specific statue to upgrade Veredicto to Level 2. Here's where to find it!
Blasphemous 2: How to Upgrade Ruego Al Alba to Level 2
You can only upgrade Ruego Al Alba to level 2 by finding a specific statue in Blasphemous 2. Here's where to find it.
Blasphemous 2: How to Double Jump
No Metroidvania game is complete without this ability—so there's no surprise that you can double jump in Blasphemous 2. Here's how to do so!
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery
If you're struggling to beat Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery, we've got helpful tips for you! Here's how to take down this Blasphemous 2 boss.
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Lesmes & Infanta
Due to them being a double-boss, you may want some tips for how to beat Lesmes and Infanta. Here's how to defeat this powerful duo!
Blasphemous 2: How to Get Through Brown Flesh Walls
You'll need to get through brown flesh walls in Blasphemous 2 at some point. Behind these barriers are great loot! Here's how to get by them.
Blasphemous 2: How to Get to the Boss Room in the Palace of Embroideries
You can see the Palace of Embroideries boss room on the map—but you may not be able to get inside. Here's why, and how to enter it.
Blasphemous 2: How to Use Resonances
If you want to learn how to use Resonances in Blasphemous 2, you'll need to play around with your Altarpiece Favours—here are the details.
Blasphemous 2: How to Increase Max Fervour
You'll want to increase max Fervour in Blasphemous 2 so that you can cast more Prayers. Here's how it's done and what you'll need.
Blasphemous 2: How to Unlock More Rosary Bead Slots
To open up more Rosary Bead slots in Blasphemous 2, you must find an NPC in an optional area and give them specific quest items—here's how!
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Orospina, Lady Embroiderer
Once you get into her boss room, it's time to beat Orospina, Lady Embroiderer! Here are some tips for doing so.
Blasphemous 2: How to Unlock Prie Dieu Fast Travel
Eventually, you can use every Prie Dieu for fast travel in Blasphemous 2. To unlock this ability, you need to find some hidden NPCs.
Blasphemous 2: How to Ring Bells
Before you can ring bells in Blasphemous 2, you must have a specific item. Here's what you need and where to find it.
Blasphemous 2: How to Use Mirror Statues
If you're curious about the mirror statues in Blasphemous 2: they're needed to get around. To use them, you'll need a specific item.
Blasphemous 2: How to Increase Max Health
To increase your max health in Blasphemous 2, you'll need a special quest item as well as the help of an NPC. Here's how to get more HP!
Blasphemous 2: How to Beat Great Preceptor Radamés
If you need some tips to beat Great Preceptor Radamés in Blasphemous 2, you're in the right place! Here's out best tricks for this boss.