On occasion, Pieces of Power will drop from defeated enemies. But, what do they actually do? Read on to find out!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you're after the tasty red and green apples found on some trees in Link's Awakening, there's a pretty easy way to get them! Here's how.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
As purely aesthetic collectibles, gathering all the Figures is a task for only the most hardcore completionists. Here's how to get them all!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To get the Secret Seashell rewards, you'll need to visit the Seashell Mansion in the east of Ukuku Prairie. Here's what all rewards do.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Need more Magic Powder, Bombs, and Arrows? Then seek out Li'l Devil in their various lairs! Here's where you can find them.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You'll need to use the Warp Points in Link's Awakening to fast travel. Here's where you can find all of them and how to activate each one.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You'll need the Shovel for digging up treasure and more in Link's Awakening. Here's where you can find this useful item!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Arguably the best weapon in the game, you'll definitely want to get the Boomerang after you complete the trade quest—here's how!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are a lot of tips and tricks you can use to arrange dungeons easily. Here's what you should do and what you should avoid.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you want to get the maximum number of Hearts in Link's Awakening, you'll need to collect every Heart Piece—here's how!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Bombs are incredibly useful in Link's Awakening. Here where you can find them when you first start the game.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are 3 songs that you can learn on the Ocarina in Link's Awakening. Here's where to find them all and what they do.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Before you can use Fairies to heal yourself, you'll need to catch them! Here's how, and what you'll need to do so.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You'll need a lot of Rupees to buy the most valuable items in Link's Awakening. Here are the best methods of obtaining a ton of money!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Easily the most numerous of all collectibles in Link's Awakening, you'll need to find many Secret Seashells for the best rewards—here's how!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You'll need Magic Powder to get by the raccoon in the Mysterious Forest and more! Here's what you need to know about getting Magic Powder.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are 4 Great Fairy locations in Link's Awakening. When you visit a Great Fairy, she will fully heal you. Here's where all are hidden.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
As the first and fastest long range weapon you can get in Link's Awakening, it's worth the expensive price! Here's where to get it.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
To get the Magnifying Lens, you'll need to use the Hookshot to reach a specific part of Martha's Bay. Here's how!
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Secret Medicine is your key to immortality in Link's Awakening! This item basically works like an auto-revive. Here's how to get some.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are a total of 3 Fairy Bottles that you can find in Link's Awakening. Here's where each of them is located.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
If you have amiibo figures of characters from Link's Awakening, you can use them to unlock some cool features! Here's what you'll get.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
There are a few different ways to get a basic Shield in Link's Awakening. There's also a way to upgrade it permanently! Here's how.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
The trade quest in Link's Awakening is a chain of events that will eventually lead you to an important item. Here's a breakdown of it.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
These helpful little seeds can make combat in Link's Awakening a lot easier. Here's how you get them and what they actually do.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
Sometimes, reloading your game is an easier way to travel than by foot. By knowing how to save and load properly, you can save some time.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You're going to need to travel around Koholint Island a lot, so you should understand how to use your map for an easier time while exploring.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
You only have 2 equipment slots in Link's Awakening but tons of items. Here's how to use your inventory screen to prepare for your adventure.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago
When you start a new game in Link's Awakening, there are a few things you should do before you leave Marin's house.
Written by Reyadh Rahaman | 3 years ago