In Minecraft, you’ll need different materials depending on what kind of Axe you want to make. Firstly, you’ll need a common resource for the handle, however, for the head, you’ll need increasingly rarer ores. The best Axes need even more.
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What You Need to Make an Axe

The crafting recipe for an Axe is pretty simple, and the same one is used for all kinds of Axes that can be crafted the traditional way. On a Crafting Table, place 2 Sticks on the centermost and bottom-middle slots. Next, use 3 blocks of your desired material for the head. For example, if you’re making a Stone Axe, you’ll need 3 Cobblestone. For the head of the Axe, start by placing 1 block on the middle-left slot and 1 more on top of it. Then, place the last block on the top-middle slot. By following this recipe, you can make 5 out of the 6 different Axes in Minecraft.
Every Type of Axe You Can Craft
- Wooden Axe
- Stone Axe
- Iron Axe
- Golden Axe
- Diamond Axe
How to Make a Netherite Axe
If you want a Netherite Axe, which is the best kind in the game, you’ll need to craft it differently than other Axes. This process is pretty much identical to how you make a Netherite Sword, just swap out the Sword for an Axe. You’ll need to use an Anvil, which you can make with 3 Blocks of Iron and 4 Iron Ingots. Place the 3 Blocks of Iron on the top row of a Crafting Table and then fill the bottom row with 3 Iron Ingots. After that, place the last Iron Ingot on the centermost slot.
Place the Anvil and then interact with it to bring up the menu. To craft a Netherite Axe, you’ll need to put a Diamond Axe on the left slot and a Netherite Ingot on the middle slot. This will cause a Netherite Axe to appear on the right slot, which you can pick up.
How to Get Netherite Ingots
The trickiest part is getting a Netherite Ingot, which requires a fair bit of work. To make a single one, you’ll need 4 Gold Ingots and 4 Netherite Scraps. The latter can only be found in the Nether through a few different means. You can find Netherite Scraps in the Chests of Bastion Remnants, although the odds are pretty low.
Another way to get Netherite Scraps is to smelt Ancient Debris, though this warped brown block is also quite rare. It can spawn in any Nether biome, but can often be buried in tons of Netherrack, so spotting Ancient Debris can be tough.
How to Make an Enchanted Axe

You can enchant an Axe just like any other tool. The most common method is to use an Enchanting Table, which you can craft from 4 Obsidian, 2 Diamonds, and 1 Book. To make an Enchanting Table, place 3 Obsidian on the bottom row of a Crafting Table and then place the last one on the centermost slot. On the slots to the right and left of the centermost Obsidian block, put the 2 Diamonds. Finally, place the Book on the top-middle slot to get a fully-functioning Enchanting Table.
When you place your Enchanting Table, you can interact with it to bring up a menu. Here, you’ll see 3 enchantment options on the right and 2 empty slots on the left. On the leftmost slot, you can put either a tool or a Book to receive an enchantment. The other slot is for Lapis Lazuli, which you need as ‘fuel’ for enchanting—in addition to spending XP.
How to Get the Best Enchantments
The enchantments you can get on your Axe depend on how high of a level you are as well as the level of the enchantments available on your Enchanting Table. You will be able to pick from 3 different enchantments if you are above level 30. And, to get max-level enchantments, you’ll need to surround your Enchanting Table with at least 15 Bookshelves while leaving a 1-block gap of space. How you arrange your Bookshelves doesn’t matter as long as they are 1 block away from the Enchanting Table.
Every Type of Enchantment You Can Put on an Axe
- Efficiency: increases mining speed
- Silk Touch: causes the mined block to drop itself instead of its usual drop
- Unbreaking: gives the tool a chance to avoid using durability points when breaking a block
- Fortune: increases the chances of item drops
- Sharpness: increases damage done to everything
- Smite: increases damage done to undead enemies
- Bane of Arthropods: increases damage done to arthropod enemies
- Mending (Anvil-only): restores durability by absorbing Experience Orbs
- Curse of Vanishing (Anvil-only): causes the Axe to despawn when you die