Key Takeaway
In the Java Edition, there are 50 types of biomes in the Overworld, 5 in The Nether, 5 in The End, and the 1 true Superflat preset option (with some sub-options). And, in the Bedrock Edition, there are 48 types of biomes in the Overworld, 5 in The Nether, 1 in The End, and 30 unused ones that are still in the game’s files.
Overall, there are 61 different biomes in the Java Edition and 84 in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Although, in the latter, about a third of them are unused. Most biomes possess a slightly different temperature which mildly affects their appearance.
Table Of Contents
What is a Biome?

According to the Oxford Leaner’s Dictionary, a biome in the real world is “The characteristic plants and animals that exist in a particular type of environment.” The same is true in Minecraft, however, world generation in-game creates many stark contrasts between each biome—which highlights their differences.
To put it simply, each biome in Minecraft is a location with a unique mix of terrain, plants, and animals that also has a distinct climate. These four criteria determine what gameplay in a particular biome will be like. Furthermore, temperature differences also affect the colors of the sky and of vegetation.
How Temperature Differences Affect Biome Appearance
Unlike in the real world, the temperature in Minecraft is measured in its own units. There is no Celsius or Fahrenheit. However, like real-world units of measure, looking at how water acts at different temperatures can give you a frame of reference. In Minecraft, water freezes solid below 0.15 and is liquid at 0.15 (and above). Ironically, however, the color of water in a biome is not dependent on the temperature. Instead, each biome has a preset color code for its water.
With that said, pretty much everything else organic changes color slightly depending on the temperature. There is a special gradient triangle in Minecraft‘s coding that is composed of various shades of green and yellow. Colder biomes will have darker green vegetation while hotter ones will have more of a yellowish tinge.
The sky also follows the same pattern as vegetation in regards to temperature differences. However, the gradient used for this is a triangle made up of purples and blues. Colder biomes will have purplish skies while hotter ones will appear bluer.
How Humidity Affects Biome Weather
There is also a humidity mechanic that works alongside the temperature one. Additionally, it is also measured in unique units. For example, in a biome where it never rains, the humidity would be 0, and, in a biome where it rains regularly, the value would be around 0.5 (excluding biomes found in The End, as it never rains there).
There are 5 different levels of humidity: dry, warm, neutral, temperate, and lush. For the most part, humidity only affects how often it rains or snows in a given biome. It’s also worth mentioning that rain can only occur in biomes where the temperature is between 0.15 and 0.95.
Which Biomes Are in the Java Edition and Bedrock Edition Respectively
Biome Name | In Java Edition | In Bedrock Edition |
Badlands | Yes | Yes |
Badlands Plateau | No | Yes (unused) |
Bamboo Jungle | Yes | Yes |
Bamboo Jungle Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Basalt Deltas | Yes | Yes |
Beach | Yes | Yes |
Birch Forest | Yes | Yes |
Birch Forest Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Cold Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Crimson Forest | Yes | Yes |
Dark Forest | Yes | Yes |
Dark Forest Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Deep Cold Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Deep Dark | Yes | No |
Deep Frozen Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Deep Lukewarm Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Deep Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Deep Warm Ocean | No | Yes (unused) |
Desert | Yes | Yes |
Desert Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Desert Lakes | No | Yes (unused) |
Dripstone Caves | Yes | Yes |
End Barrens | Yes | No |
End Highlands | Yes | No |
End Midlands | Yes | No |
Eroded Badlands | Yes | Yes |
Flower Forest | Yes | Yes |
Forest | Yes | Yes |
Frozen Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Frozen Peaks | Yes | Yes |
Frozen River | Yes | Yes |
Giant Spruce Taiga Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Giant Tree Taiga Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Gravelly Mountains | No | Yes (unused) |
Grove | Yes | Yes |
Ice Spikes | Yes | Yes |
Jagged Peaks | Yes | Yes |
Jungle | Yes | Yes |
Jungle Edge | No | Yes (unused) |
Jungle Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Legacy Frozen Ocean | No | Yes (unused) |
Lukewarm Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Lush Caves | Yes | Yes |
Meadow | Yes | Yes |
Modified Badlands Plateau | No | Yes (unused) |
Modified Jungle | No | Yes (unused) |
Modified Jungle Edge | No | Yes (unused) |
Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau | No | Yes (unused) |
Mountain Edge | No | Yes (unused) |
Mushroom Field Shore | No | Yes (unused) |
Mushroom Fields | Yes | Yes |
Nether Wastes | Yes | Yes |
Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Old Growth Birch Forest | Yes | Yes |
Old Growth Pine Taiga | Yes | Yes |
Old Growth Spruce Taiga | Yes | Yes |
Plains | Yes | Yes |
River | Yes | Yes |
Savanna | Yes | Yes |
Savanna Plateau | Yes | Yes |
Shattered Savanna Plateau | No | Yes (unused) |
Small End Islands | Yes | No |
Snowy Beach | Yes | Yes |
Snowy Mountains | No | Yes (unused) |
Snowy Plains | Yes | Yes |
Snowy Slopes | Yes | Yes |
Snowy Taiga | Yes | Yes |
Snowy Taiga Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Snowy Taiga Mountains | No | Yes (unused) |
Soul Sand Valley | Yes | Yes |
Sparse Jungle | Yes | No |
Stony Peaks | Yes | Yes |
Stony Shore | Yes | Yes |
Sunflower Plains | Yes | Yes |
Superflat | Yes (preset) | No |
Swamp | Yes | Yes |
Swamp Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Taiga | Yes | Yes |
Taiga Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
Taiga Mountains | No | Yes (unused) |
Tall Birch Hills | No | Yes (unused) |
The End | Yes | Yes |
The Void | Yes | No |
Warm Ocean | Yes | Yes |
Warped Forest | Yes | Yes |
Windswept Forest | Yes | Yes |
Windswept Gravelly Hills | Yes | Yes |
Windswept Hills | Yes | Yes |
Windswept Savanna | Yes | Yes |
Wooded Badlands | Yes | No |
Wooded Badlands Plateau | No | Yes (unused) |
Wooded Hills | No | Yes (unused) |

This biome is most recognizable from its gradient of warm colors. Despite having some natural beauty, almost no passive mobs can spawn here. As such, you won’t find many friendly faces or animals around.
The terrain here is composed of desert-like stretches of Red Sand and large hills composed mostly of Terracotta. There is water to be found—and more frequently than in true deserts—but it is still scarce.
Interestingly, Mineshafts and Gold Ore blocks can spawn in this biome at much higher elevations than normal. As such, you can find the entrances of Mineshafts here and there within small caves. Furthermore, digging through this area will yield many more Gold Ore blocks than usual.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Eroded Badlands

The main difference between the Eroded Badlands and regular Badlands is that the former is full of tall Terracotta spikes. The strata of differently colored Terracotta are persistent through all of these skinny mountains, which gives this biome a very cool appearance.
However, unlike other Badlands biome variants, animals will spawn here. Additionally, this biome still possesses the valuable traits of its sister biomes (lots of loot).
Just don’t get carried away climbing the colorful spires, as many of them can reach above the level where Mineshafts and Gold Ore can spawn (level 256). With that said, the large quantity of spikes increases the number of exposed blocks, thereby increasing the visibility of Mineshafts and Gold Ore at lower levels.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Badlands Plateau (Unused)

If a regular Badlands biome was flattened like a gigantic pancake, that’s what the Badlands Plateau would have been. This variant resembled a desert more than other Badlands biomes due to the lack of hills or spires.
You also would have found it as desolate as other Badlands biomes since few friendly mobs could have spawned here either. Furthermore, you’d probably have a harder time finding Mineshafts and Gold Ore as well due to the comparatively small number of exposed blocks.
For the most part, the elevation of a Badlands Plateau was between level 60 and level 70, making it pretty low yet still mostly above sea level (level 62). This variant was also among the ugliest Badlands biomes as the colorful strata of Terracotta blocks weren’t as present.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Modified Badlands Plateau (Unused)

Whereas the Badlands Plateau is more like a big pancake, the Modified Badlands Plateau was more like a series of pancake stacks. There was a lot more variation in terms of altitude, which exposed a decent number of blocks.
Here, you would have often found expanses of Terracotta blocks that almost seemed like they appeared by themselves. This was due to the terrain generation sometimes making a colored layer the top layer of a small plateau.
While usually more colorful than some other Badlands variants, this one was still void of most passive lifeforms. Though, thankfully, it made up for this with a lot of possibilities to find Mineshafts and Gold Ore thanks to many exposed blocks.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Wooded Badlands

Finally, some more (non-hostile) life in the Badlands! However, this life is not the most exciting—it’s just a few trees here and there. Furthermore, these will be Oak trees, although their leaves are much browner than Oak trees found in Forests.
Don’t let the trees fool you, though, as there are no friendly mobs here, despite there being potential food for them. In addition to Red Sand and Terracotta, you can also find some different kinds of Dirt blocks in Wooded Badlands.
Thanks to the abundance of wood and Dirt blocks, you can actually set up a viable base here if you wanted. This could even be a good idea, as, like other Badlands biomes, this one will give you more chances to find Mineshafts and Gold Ore.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
- Oak tree
- Coarse Dirt
- Dirt
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Wooded Badlands Plateau

Much like Wooded Badlands, Wooded Badlands Plateaus come with some Dirt and Oak trees. Although, you can think of this biome as a Wooded Badlands that’s been given the pancake treatment.
Here, you’ll find big stretches of flat surfaces that are pocked by trees. Besides that, it’s pretty much the same as a Wooded Badlands biome. Although with that said, these flat stretches give room for life besides just trees.
While almost no passive mobs will spawn here, Pumpkins have a decent chance of showing up! The combination of flat, open spaces and a lot of exposed Dirt blocks will allow Pumpkins to spawn relatively easily. Furthermore, due to the unobstructed terrain, you’ll be able to spot them easier as well.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
- Oak tree
- Coarse Dirt
- Dirt
- Pumpkin
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau (Unused)

The last of the Badlands variants was also one of the most extreme. In Modified Wooded Badlands Plateaus, you’d find quite a few canyons weaving around hills topped with vegetation.
And, beautifully, there were plenty of exposed Terracotta strata! Traveling through one of these biomes would be visually pleasing, but, sadly, there were still almost no friendly mob spawns here. What’s more, the lack of big open areas with Dirt decreased the chances of Pumpkins spawning.
With that said, the variations in elevation resulted in a lot of exposed blocks, meaning this was a decent place to find Mineshafts and Gold Ore. Though, you would have needed to watch your step, as a fall from off one of the plateaus would have dropped you a long way.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Mineshaft
- Gold Ore
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone
- Terracotta
- Cactus
- Oak tree
- Coarse Dirt
- Dirt
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)

Easily one of the most desolate landscapes, Desert biomes can be rough terrain to live in. There are no trees here, so, the vital resource of wood is almost non-existent. At least there are plenty of Dead Bushes, which you can break down to make Sticks.
The most common resource in a Desert is Sand. It’s everywhere. As such, if you need to make a ton of Glass, Desert biomes are a great place to visit. As for wildlife, you won’t find many passive mobs here except for Rabbits.
With that said, you’ll find tons of hostile mobs here at night. Since Desert biomes are pretty flat, you’ll be able to see enemies from very far away. As such, it can be a great place to farm XP or try to force the spawn of rare hostile mobs.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Notable Features
- Desert Temple
- Desert Well
- Fossil
- Pillager Outpost
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Husk
- Zombie
- Enderman
- Witch
- Zombie Villager
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Husk
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Desert Hills (Unused)

Virtually the same as a regular Desert biome, the only difference here was that…well, they had hills. As such, Desert Hills biomes had the same pros and cons as Deserts.
Furthermore, since the hills weren’t very large, many players didn’t even notice them while traveling through this sandy landscape. As such, it was likely cut from default worlds as they were not very interesting.
With that said, you could have still found Desert Temples, Fossils, and other Desert-only structures and resources. At least the hills gave you a bit of a better vantage point from which to scout the surroundings.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Notable Features
- Desert Temple
- Desert Well
- Fossil
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Cactus
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Husk
- Zombie
- Enderman
- Witch
- Zombie Villager
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Husk
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Desert Lakes (Unused)

It’s a shame this biome was cut from default worlds, as they were actually pretty interesting—for farming. The bodies of water that populated Desert Lakes made it so that Sugar Cane could spawn much more frequently than in normal Deserts.
As such, you could have found, harvested, and planted tons of Sugar Cane without needing to set up a dedicated farm. This would have been great for Sugar and Paper production.
Sadly, however, Desert Lakes could not generate Desert Temples. Since such structures are one of the main reasons for exploring a Desert, the lack of them decreased how worthwhile it was to explore Desert Lakes in most cases.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2.0
- The humidity is 0
Notable Features
- Desert Well
- Fossil
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Cactus
- Sugar Cane
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Husk
- Zombie
- Enderman
- Witch
- Zombie Villager
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Husk
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit

Most notable for its abundance of Acacia trees, Savannas are warm and dry places. Among other biome types, they are relatively normal in terms of terrain generation and mob appearances. There aren’t really any extremes here except for the lack of rain.
Savannas consist of many low hills and stretches of flat ground, making them easy to traverse. They are also decent places to set up a base due to the abundance of wood—yet not having enough tree cover to shelter hostile mobs from the sun.
You can also find plenty of passive mobs here, including Horses and Donkeys. As such, you’ll have great access to animals that can be used for both transportation and mobile storage.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 1.2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Acacia tree
- Oak tree
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Llama
Savanna Plateau

Savanna Plateaus are often found when a Savanna connects to mountainous terrain. These biomes are quite similar to Savannas, but they have no structures and slightly different animal spawns.
Unlike in regular Savannas, Villages and Pillager Outposts cannot spawn in Savanna Plateaus. However, Llamas can spawn here in both the Java and Bedrock editions of that game—as opposed to just in the Bedrock Edition.
With fewer notable features and more variations in elevation, this type of biome is more tedious and less interesting to explore than normal Savannas. That is unless you’re a Java Edition player and are seeking Llamas.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 1
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Acacia tree
- Oak tree
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Llama
Shattered Savanna Plateau (Unused)

Appropriately as dramatic as their name, Shattered Savanna Plateaus were some of the wildest biomes when they were used. Here, you’d be able to find tall mountains, steep cliffs, and plateaus that greatly overhang the sides of great hills. However, you wouldn’t be able to find Villages or Pillager Outposts.
Due to the roughness of the terrain, Coarse Dirt could spawn here in addition to normal Dirt. This made it a great place to collect blocks if you needed to prevent grass from growing in an area.
While very cool to behold, traveling around a Shattered Savanna Plateau would have been pretty dangerous thanks to the jagged landscape. Falling from great heights would be more possible here than in other Savanna variants.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 1
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Acacia tree
- Oak tree
- Coarse Dirt
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Llama
Windswept Savanna

Windswept Savannas are so different from other Savanna variants that they seem almost like their own archetype. Whereas Shattered Savanna Plateaus were pretty wild, Windswept Plateaus are outright chaotic. There are large quantities of tall, skinny mountains topped with Acacia trees here.
Additionally, there are plenty of waterfalls, lavafalls, and floating islands that make this place cool the explore. However, they are very tough to traverse if you insist on climbing mountains (which most often isn’t worth the trouble).
Windswept Savannas possess very similar pros and cons to the unused Shattered Savanna Plateau biome—which is probably why the latter was removed from default worlds. There are no naturally generated structures in this biome, which is probably a good thing for Villagers, as they would likely have hard lives here.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 1.1
- The humidity is 0 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0.5 (Bedrock Edition)
Noteworthy Features
- Acacia tree
- Oak tree
- Coarse Dirt
- Lava
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Llama

One of the rarer biomes in the game, Jungles are densely packed with huge Jungle trees, Vines, and more. This biome has plenty to offer explorers, as some items and mobs can only be found here.
This can be a fun place to explore—as long as you don’t fall off a tree. Though, that’s easier said than done, as the foliage is so thick here that you’ll inevitably need to climb a tree or two to get around.
On top of that, climbing one of the more massive Jungle trees can give you a great view of your surroundings. This, in turn, can help you spot one of the rarest structures in the game: Jungle Temples.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Bamboo
- Oak Tree
- Vines
- Jungle Temple
- Melon
- Cocoa Bean
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Jungle Edge

As the name implies, such biomes are often found near the edges of Jungles. For this reason, the density of trees is a lot lower. Jungle trees can still spawn, however, they aren’t as dominant.
Oak trees can spawn here in greater numbers than in many other Jungle biomes, but not as much as in Forests. This mix of vegetation can be great for those who want to build their home out of two kinds of wood.
Although, the spawning of the rare Jungle mobs cannot happen here in the Java Edition (but do in the Bedrock Edition). For this reason, PC gamers won’t find any cool creatures, just common ones as well as the usual hostile entities.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Oak Tree
- Vines
- Melon
- Cocoa Bean
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Chicken
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Jungle Hills (Unused)

As if Jungles weren’t already tough to traverse, you would have needed to bring some climbing gear to get through Jungle Hills. The uneven terrain combined with massive Jungle trees would be awful to deal with if it wasn’t for the climbable Vines that were everywhere.
Apart from the various elevations, this biome functioned much like a regular Jungle. This is probably why it is currently unused in default worlds in the Bedrock Edition and completely absent from the Java Edition of the game.
On the upside, you could have built a base on the side of a hill for a great view of the lush landscape. However, you would have needed to light up the surroundings as there would be plenty of places where sunlight could not reach.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Oak tree
- Vines
- Melon
- Cocoa Bean
- Bamboo
- Jungle Temple
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Chicken
- Ocelot
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Bamboo Jungle

This biome is very much a combination of a Bamboo Forest and a typical Jungle. Aptly, there are tons of Bamboo all over the place intermixed with massive Jungle trees.
As such, Bamboo Jungles are great places to harvest vegetation. Also, there’s Podzol here, which can be very useful for farming different kinds of Mushrooms.
Brimming with life, this biome also contains many rare animals, like Pandas, Parrots, and Ocelots. Even rare crops like Melons can be found here—but, sadly, no Cocoa Beans.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Bamboo
- Oak tree
- Podzol
- Vines
- Jungle Temple
- Melon
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Bamboo Jungle Hills (Unused)

This biome was like a Bamboo Jungle…but on hilly terrain. As such, you could have treated it much the same as the aforementioned biome. Although, moving around here would be a bit tedious.
You would have needed to make use of the multitude of Vines to get around. Though, again, you would have needed to watch your step. Jungle trees can grow very tall, after all. Sadly, on your journey, you wouldn’t have found any Cocoa Beans. And you wouldn’t have found Jungle Temples here either.
While you were looking around, you’d have likely found some rare Jungle mobs here and there. Although, you would have needed to be wary of traveling here at night, as there were many places where hostile mobs could spawn without needing to fear sunlight.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Bamboo
- Vines
- Oak tree
- Melon
- Podzol
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Sparse Jungle

This kind of Jungle almost looks more like a Plains biome or a Savanna with how open it is. As such, traveling around will be a lot easier.
While you can still find rare Jungle mobs here, they will be outnumbered by regular ones. On top of that, Melons will be more likely to spawn, as the flat, clear areas are great for finding more of them.
You also won’t have to worry as much about hostile mobs, as the sunlight can scorch them easily enough here.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Vines
- Oak tree
- Cocoa Bean
- Melon
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Chicken
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Modified Jungle

Think of the Jungle Hills biome, but with bigger hills! While exploring here, it would be even more possible to get a bird’s eye view and find some rare Jungle mobs.
Unfortunately, for some reason, Jungle Temples don’t spawn here. As such, you’d have to make do with the more natural treasures of the landscape.
Luckily, those goods can be found in this biome. As such, feel free to gather up Cocoa Beans, Melons, and the like if you ever visit this location.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Vines
- Oak tree
- Bamboo
- Melon
- Cocoa Bean
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Cow
- Parrot
- Chicken
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot
Modified Jungle Edge (Unused)

Before becoming unused, Modified Jungle Edges were the rarest biome in the game. This is due to the fact that they would only spawn between a Jungle biome variant and near a Swamp Hills biome.
As both of those biome types were rare, their intersection in a randomly generated world would have been exceedingly so. However, besides their low spawn chance, there wasn’t much special about them.
Modified Jungle Edge biomes were pretty much just like a regular Jungle biome—but on higher hills than any other Jungle biome variant. Although, Jungle Temples were never a thing here.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.95
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Jungle tree
- Vines
- Oak tree
- Cocoa Bean
- Melon
- Pumpkin
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Parrot
- Panda
- Ocelot

As one of the oldest and most common biomes in the game, Plains are biomes with which many players should be familiar. These mostly flat landscapes are full of grassy Dirt blocks upon which flowers can grow in abundance.
Passive mobs can also be found here in greater numbers than most other biomes. Cows, Horses, Pigs, and more love to hang out here and graze on the plentiful grass.
Furthermore, Vines and Mushrooms can also grow here, although only in the Bedrock Edition of the game. You’re also likely to find Villagers and even Pillager Outposts while exploring.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Oak tree
- Bee Nest
- Azure Bluet
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
- Tulips (multiple types)
- Vines
- Mushroom
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Sunflower Plains

As you can probably guess, the feature that makes this variant of Plains biomes differnt is the large number of Sunflowers that grow here. What’s more, this is the only biome where Sunflowers can naturally grow.
Apart from that, Sunflower Plains differentiate from regular Plains by having no naturally-generated structures in the Java Edition. However, Villages and Pillager Outposts can still appear in the Bedrock Edition.
Among the many Sunflowers, you can also find other types of flowers, making this biome both beautiful and useful to explore for Dye ingredients. As such, if you’re interested in making tons of Dyes, this relatively rare biome would be a fine place for a base.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Sunflower
- Oak tree
- Bee Nest
- Azure Bluet
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
- Tulips (multiple types)
- Vines
- Mushroom
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat
- Glow Squid
- Slime
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Horse
- Donkey
Snowy Plains

By far the coldest variant of Plains biomes, Snowy Plains are appropriately covered in snow. What’s more, there are different types of trees here, which makes sense due to the temperature difference. Instead of Oak trees, Snowy Plains have Spruce trees.
Furthermore, there is an additional type of structure that cannot be found in other Plains variants: Igloos. These tiny abodes are pretty hard to pick out in the snow-covered landscape, as they are also covered in Snow blocks. However, they are definitely worth checking out, as the Chests in Igloos are guaranteed to possess at least 1 Golden Apple.
Although there’s potential for rare loot, you won’t find much of nature’s bounty. Passive mobs do spawn here, however, they consist of only Rabbits and Polar Bears—the latter of which can be dangerous if approached too closely.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Igloo
- Spruce tree
- Snow
- Ice
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Stray
- Creeper
- Skeleton
- Enderman
- Witch
- Zombie Villager
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear
Snowy Mountains (Unused)

In the case of this unused biome, “mountains” were a very generous term, as no natural feature here was anything more than a hill. Furthermore, this location was pretty barren: no Villages or other structures, very few trees, and even fewer kinds of hostile mob spawns.
Although, with that said, you could still have found some cold-biome-only mobs here, such as Polar Bears and Strays. These would have been the only real reasons to explore the Snowy Mountains biome.
Other than that, you could still potentially have gathered some Spruce Logs and Ice—if you needed those resources.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Snow
- Ice
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Stray
- Creeper
- Skeleton
- Enderman
- Witch
- Zombie Villager
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear

Like regular Plains, Forests are another of the most common biome—as well as one of the oldest in the game. Such landscapes are full of trees, including both Oak and Birch trees. This makes them one of the best places to gather a lot of wood.
Although, the ample amount of shade created by the trees will make it very easy for undead mobs to escape the sunlight. As such, if you set up a base in or near a Forest, be sure to light up the area to decrease the number of hostile mobs that spawn.
Besides being a veritable paradise for Zombies, Skeletons, and the like, Forests also have plenty of flowers that you can collect. This makes them another decent location to explore for Dye enthusiasts.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.7
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
Wooded Hills (Unused)

In the past, when Wooded Hills were able to spawn in default worlds, they were pretty much the same as normal Forests. The main difference was the variations in elevation caused by the many hills.
As with other hill variants of biomes, it was mostly cut from the game due to redundancy issues. It is objectively good that this biome became unused, as they were kind of tedious to traverse due to the random—and sometimes steep—hills that were generated here.
However, if you did explore this location, you’d find plenty of the more common mobs, as well as Wolves and Bees. Additionally, the same kinds of hostile mobs would also show up in Wooded Hills.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.7
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
Birch Forest

This variant of Forest possesses only Birch trees—no Oaks whatsoever! As such, they’re a great place to harvest tons of pale-colored wood. Besides that, Birch Forests act much like regular Forests.
Virtually the same mobs and plants will spawn here as in normal Forests. It is for this reason that Birch Forests have the same pros and cons. As such, the plentiful amount of shade can allow more monsters to spawn and evade direct sunlight.
It should also be mentioned that the humidity here is a bit lower than in most other Forest variants, which means it will be a bit less likely to rain. This can slightly offset how many hostile mobs spawn—but not by much. Also, Wolves don’t seem to spawn here, unlike in regular Forests.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.6
- The humidity is 0.6
Noteworthy Features
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Birch Forest Hills (Unused)

Due to being almost the same as Birch Forests, Birch Forest Hills became unused. This is a common theme with many of the unused biomes—they’re redundant and pretty boring.
However, the hilly landscape caused more variations in elevation, which exposed more blocks. This made it easier to find caves and other interesting features. Furthermore, this separated the plentiful Birch trees, which meant that there was less shade for monsters to take shelter within.
With that said, this same hilly terrain made traversing Birch Forest Hills more tedious. In relation to the other unused hill biomes, this has been a constant annoyance for players, which is another reason why pretty much all hill biomes were cut from default worlds.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.6
- The humidity is 0.6
Noteworthy Features
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Tall Birch Hills (Unused)

As yet another redundant hills variant, the Tall Birch Hills biome also became unused due to being virtually the same as Birch Forests. Furthermore, this biome was even more redundant than many other hill variants, as there was another biome that already fit this niche: Birch Forest Hills (which itself became unused in default worlds).
Tall Birch Hills were virtually identical to Birch Forest Hills with the exception that the former had taller hills (as you probably could have guessed). For this reason, you could find all the usual Forest mobs here, including Cows, Pigs, Sheep, and more.
Although, there was a discrepancy between the temperatures of the Java and Bedrock Editions, as the climate was slightly warmer in the latter version of the game.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.6 (Java Edition)
- The temperature is 0.7 (Bedrock Edition)
- The humidity is 0.6
Noteworthy Features
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Old Growth Birch Forests

If you’re after Birch logs and planks, Old Growth Birch Forests are the best biome to find. The trees here are a fair deal taller than in regular Birch Forests—which means more wood! However, you’ll need some way to reach the blocks of wood that are higher up.
Besides the tree height, this biome is very similar to Birch Forests. As such, you can find many of the same mobs and plants here.
However, the climate varies a bit between the Java and Bedrock Editions. In the Java Edition, Old Growth Birch Forests are slightly cooler and dryer.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.6 (Java Edition)
- The temperature is 0.7 (Bedrock Edition)
- The humidity is 0.6 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0.8 (Bedrock Edition)
Noteworthy Features
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Dark Forest

These woods are arguably the densest type of Forest in the game. The trees here grow so thickly, that almost no sunlight can penetrate the canopy. As such, hostile mobs can spawn here even during the day.
Although the density of Dark Forests can cause you trouble—both from hostile mob spawns and being difficult to find a clear path—there are some unique features here that make this biome worth exploring. In terms of vegetation, this is one of the few places that Dark Oaks can spawn. Furthermore, Dark Oaks are by far the most numerous type of tree here, although regular Oaks and Birch trees can also be found in small numbers.
On top of that, there are also Giant Mushrooms and a rare structure called Woodland Mansions. The latter is a large building that’s full of both loot and dangerous Illager mobs.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.7
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Woodland Mansion
- Dark Oak tree
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Red Giant Mushroom
- Brown Giant Mushroom
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Dark Forest Hills (Unused)

Much like the hills variants of other biomes, the Dark Forest Hills biome has been cut from default worlds due to being too similar to Dark Forests. However, this is a bit unfortunate, as the variation in elevation actually made traveling easier in some cases.
While the verticality forced you to climb steep hills, it also broke up the canopy and allowed a lot of sunlight into these otherwise shadow-covered woods. This helped prevent hostile mobs from spawning as frequently as in regular Dark Forests.
Furthermore, the higher vantage points allowed you to scan the surroundings better for rare Woodland Mansions. Besides the hills that made a larger impact than usual, the rest of this biome’s features were virtually identical to that of normal Dark Forests.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.7
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Woodland Mansion
- Dark Oak tree
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Red Giant Mushroom
- Brown Giant Mushroom
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Flower Forest

This variation of Forest biomes has sparser tree generation. Since there are a lot more stretches of open grassy areas, flowers of many varieties can spawn here.
Furthermore, pretty much every kind of flower can be found in this biome. The only exceptions to this are Blue Orchids, Sunflowers, and Wither Roses. As such, Flower Forests are an excellent location for gathering Dye ingredients.
Additionally, there is a slight change to passive mob spawns from normal Forests. Wolves cannot spawn here, however, Rabbits can.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.7
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Lily of the Valley
- Allium
- Dandelion
- Poppy
- Azure Bluet
- Tulip
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Rabbit
Windswept Forest

These sparse Forests are usually found in hilly or mountainous areas. There is a lot of exposed Stone here, so trees are often farther apart than in other Forest variants. While this makes collecting wood less efficient, it allows you to find more ore.
The tree species that spawn in Windswept Forests are Oak and Spruce. As for ores, you can potentially find a lot of Coal, Iron, and even Emerald exposed at the surface. Be wary, however, as Infested Stone also spawns here, which means you may have to deal with Silverfish.
Furthermore, you can also find Snow blocks here, as the temperature is much lower than in other kinds of Forests. If you’re after this white stuff, be sure to bring a Shovel when exploring a Windswept Forest.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.2
- The humidity is 0.3
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Spruce tree
- Emerald Ore
- Iron Ore
- Coal
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama

An interesting mix of both cold weather and relatively high humidity makes Taiga biomes notably different than Forest biomes—despite looking similar on the surface.
In regards to the natural vegetation, the only type of tree found in Taigas is Spruce. However, there are other plants, such as Ferns, Large Ferns, and Sweet Berry Bushes.
You can also potentially find Villages and Pillager Outposts while exploring here. This variety of uncommon plant and structure spawns can make it worthwhile to explore a Taiga biome.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.25
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Taiga Hills (Unused)

Pretty much the same as regular Taiga biomes, Taiga Hills were mostly different due to the presence of hilly terrain. However, Villages and Pillager Outposts didn’t spawn here in the Java Edition.
Like other hill variations, the differences in elevation caused some annoyances to those who traveled through this biome. And, without Villages and Pillager Outposts, the reasons to linger here were fewer in number.
Thankfully, the same kinds of wildlife—both flora and fauna—were the same. As such, you could find the relatively rare Foxes in Taiga Hills back when they could potentially spawn in default worlds.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.25
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost (Bedrock Edition)
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Taiga Mountains (Unused)

This biome was much like Taiga Hills, though with even more jagged terrain. The mountainous landscape made it so that many overhangs and a few floating islands were possible.
Also, like Taiga Hills, Villages and Pillager Outposts could not spawn here. The steep terrain made traveling here pretty tough, so players would have to do a lot of jumping and climbing.
Foxes could spawn here, however, thanks to the variations in elevation, approaching them could be more dangerous. Far falls were a potential hazard here, as in other mountainous biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.25
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Snowy Taiga

A frigid variant of Taiga biomes, Snowy Taigas offer some novel features compared to their warmer sister biome. Since it’s below freezing here, Igloos can spawn. However, Villages and Pillager Outposts do not spawn here in the Java Edition.
Also, as the name of this biome implies, there’s lots of Snow here. Additionally, a lot of the water in Snowy Taigas would be frozen and would form Ice blocks. This makes traversing this biome a bit easier if you need to cross a river.
Despite the climate differences, most of the same plants and animals that can spawn in normal Taigas can also spawn in Snowy Taigas.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.5
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Igloo
- Pillager Outpost (Bedrock Edition)
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Snowy Taiga Hills (Unused)

When this biome was able to spawn in default worlds, players would find it much the same as Snowy Taigas. However, there were some key differences, like how Igloos did not spawn here. Villagers and Pillager Outpost still did, although, only in the Bedrock Edition.
The variations in elevation made traversing the terrain more challenging, however, the Ice blocks that replaced water in certain places made things a bit easier.
Virtually the same mobs could spawn here as in Snowy Taigas. Although, approaching them would be a bit more difficult thanks to the hilly landscape.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.5
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost (Bedrock Edition)
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Snowy Taiga Mountains (Unused)

Snowy Taiga Mountains were like Snowy Taiga Hills, but with much steeper terrain. As such, they were likely also removed from default worlds due to their redundancy.
However, unlike other variants of Snowy Taiga biomes, this one did not generate any structures whatsoever in either the Java or Bedrock Editions. As such, the only reason to explore this location was for the natural resources.
Although, like with other mountainous locales, you would have needed to watch your step. High points were quite common here, so falling a far way was a real danger.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.5
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Old Growth Pine Taiga

This variant of Taiga biomes possessed massive Spruce trees that are both taller and thicker than normal Spruce trees. As such, they are a great place to harvest tons of Spruce wood. Although, you’d have to mine up the trees carefully in a spiraling manner in order to collect this lumber bounty.
In addition to the huge Spruce trees, there are also some other natural features that make this biome interesting. Mossy Cobblestone can spawn here in the form of large boulders. Furthermore, Coarse Dirt and Podzol can also appear frequently.
With that said, Old Growth Pine Taigas lacked some traits of other Taiga variants. No kinds of structures can spawn here. Also, strangely, Sweet Berry Bushes can only be found here in the Java Edition.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.3
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush (Java Edition)
- Mushroom
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Coarse Dirt
- Podzol
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- Zombie Villager
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Fox
Old Growth Spruce Taiga

Very similar to Old Growth Pine Taigas, Old Growth Spruce Taigas are pretty much only different due to the foliage of the trees. The Spruce trees here are still taller and thicker, but they have much more leaf blocks covering their upper portions.
Additionally, Old Growth Spruce Taigas are also a bit colder than Old Growth Pine Taigas. As such, Snow can cover the ground at slightly lower elevations.
In regards to structures, plants, and mob spawns, this biome is identical to Old Growth Pine Taigas. For this reason, this location has most of the same pros and cons.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.3
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
- Mushroom
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Coarse Dirt
- Podzol
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- Zombie Villager
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Fox
Giant Tree Taiga Hills (Unused)

Pretty much the same as Old Growth Pine Taigas, this biome was cut from default worlds due to redundancy. One of the only things that made them different was the many hills that the Taiga grew on.
However, in addition to the difference in terrain elevation, Wolves, Foxes, and Rabbits were only able to spawn here in the Java Edition of the game.
With no structures either, Giant Tree Taiga Hills were relatively boring compared to their sister biomes. Although the chance of high falls made things less boring—but not in a good way.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.3
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
- Mushroom
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Coarse Dirt
- Podzol
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- Zombie Villager
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Giant Spruce Taiga Hills (Unused)

This biome is more interesting for its coding history than for its natural features. Back when Giant Spruce Taiga Hills were able to spawn in default worlds, they were literally the same as Old Growth Spruce Taigas.
The reason for this was due to a coding error which made the elevation variation of Giant Spruce Taiga Hills and Old Growth Spruce Taigas the exact same. As such, these biomes were identical in every way.
Although, there was a discrepancy in the temperature of this biome between the Java and Bedrock Editions. The version in the Java Edition was slightly colder.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.3 (Bedrock Edition)
- The temperature is 0.25 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Spruce tree
- Fern
- Large Fern
- Sweet Berry Bush
- Mushroom
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Coarse Dirt
- Podzol
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Skeleton
- Zombie Villager
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Fox

Although full of murky water, which makes traveling through it a bit tedious, Swamps are a pretty great biome for some rarer resources. Most notably, it’s the only place that Slimes can spawn above ground—albeit only at night, like most other hostile mobs.
As for structures, Swamps are the only places you can find Swamp Huts, which often contain a Witch and possibly a Black Cat. Since both of those mobs are rare, Swamps can be a great place to explore if you’re seeking them.
On top of that, Swamps also have some interesting vegetation. These biomes are the only place that can spawn Swamp Oaks, which are Oak trees covered in vines. Furthermore, Lily Pads, Seagrass, and Blue Orchids can also be found here. Underwater, it’s also possible to find tons of Clay.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8
- The humidity is 0.9 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0.5 (Bedrock Edition)
Noteworthy Features
- Swamp Hut
- Swamp Oak tree
- Fossil
- Giant Mushroom
- Lily Pad
- Seagrass
- Vines
- Clay
- Blue Orchid
- Mushroom
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Swamp Hills (Unused)

As if Swamps weren’t already tedious to traverse due to all the water, the hills variant was much more annoying. Thankfully, Swamp Hills were removed from the game—although for redundancy reasons more than because they were obnoxious to cross.
However, interestingly, they tended to spawn at such low elevations that exposed Gravel blocks could be found. This made them one of the biomes with the lowest elevation in the game before they were cut from default worlds.
In terms of natural resources, Swamp Hills were virtually the same as Swamps (only Seagrass is missing). As such, if you climbed one of the hills, you could potentially find some Swamp Huts and Slimes easier.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Swamp Hut
- Swamp Oak tree
- Fossil
- Giant Mushroom
- Lily Pad
- Vines
- Clay
- Blue Orchid
- Mushroom
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow

Found adjacent to bodies of water—mostly Ocean biomes—Beaches are composed mostly of Sand blocks. Beneath the Sand, there is Sandstone, but you can also find Dirt, Gravel, and Clay blocks nearby.
In terms of loot, you can sometimes find Shipwrecks on Beaches, which contain Chests full of valuables. Additionally, you can also potentially find Buried Treasure if you dig through a Beach’s Sand blocks.
There aren’t too many animal mobs that can spawn here, however, one of the few that can are Turtles. Since breeding and raising Turtles is the only way to get Scutes, Beaches are the ideal place to explore if you’re after this resource.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Buried Treasure
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Clay
- Sugar Cane
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Turtle
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
- Turtle
Snowy Beach

Snowy Beaches appear much like Beaches but are covered in Snow. Appropriately, a lot of the surrounding water will have blocks of Ice in it due to the colder temperature.
Turtles and Sugar Cane cannot spawn here due to how cold it is, however, you can still possibly find Shipwrecks and Buried Treasure. Furthermore, Dirt, Gravel, and Clay can also still be found.
Interestingly, only in the Bedrock Edition, Rabbits can spawn in this frigid biome. You can potentially find them hopping around the snowy banks, but they may be hard to spot due to their lightly colored fur.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.05
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Buried Treasure
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Clay
- Ice
- Snow
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
- Rabbit
Stony Shore

Put simply, a Stony Shore is a Beach that is composed of Stone blocks instead of Sand. Furthermore, the terrain is also more rugged. The slopes of Stony Shores can be far steeper than ordinary Beaches, which can make traversing them a bit dangerous.
Sadly, Stony Shores lack almost all of the unique spawns normal Beaches have, such as Turtles and Shipwrecks. However, in the Bedrock Edition only, Buried Treasure can still spawn underground.
In place of the usual Beach loot, Stony Shores can yield ore blocks, as there is a lot of exposed Stone here. For this reason, you can potentially find Coal and Iron Ore at the surface.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.2
- The humidity is 0.4
Noteworthy Features
- Buried Treasure (Bedrock Edition)
- Stone
- Coal
- Iron Ore
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Slime (underground)
Stony Peaks

One of the warmest mountain biomes, Stony Peaks are tall points of Stone that can extend above the clouds. Their tall elevation makes them tough to navigate, although there are some resources worth seeking out here.
The sheer number of exposed blocks makes it relatively easy to find a lot of ores, including Emerald. Furthermore, Calcite can also spawn here in large quantities. Since Calcite can otherwise only be found near rare Amethyst Geodes in the Overworld and amongst Basalt in The Nether, Stony Peaks are a great alternative place to find this decorative white block.
However, while you’re mining here, beware of Infested Stone. While not present in great amounts, this pesky mob-spawning block is still around enough to be annoying for those seeking ore in these mountains.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 1.0
- The humidity is 0.3
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Stone
- Coal
- Iron Ore
- Emerald
- Calcite
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Donkey
- Rabbit
Mushroom Fields

This rare biome is sometimes referred to as “Mushroom Islands” as they only spawn in and near Ocean biomes. Mushroom Fields consist of stretches of Mycelium blocks that are topped by a wealth of Giant Mushrooms—both the red and brown varieties.
You can also find small Red Mushrooms and Brown Mushrooms in abundance, however, there isn’t much else in terms of natural resources. With that said, the rare Mooshroom animal mob can only be found here.
On a related note, virtually no hostile mobs can spawn here. The only exception to this is if there is a Mob Spawner in a cave that spits out enemies. For this reason, Mushroom Fields can be a virtual paradise…if you don’t mind living off of Mushroom Stew. Just be sure to bring a lot of wood if you set up a house here, as no kind of trees can spawn in Mushroom Fields.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.9
- The humidity is 1.0
Noteworthy Features
- Giant Mushroom
- Mushroom
- Mycelium
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Mooshroom
- Bats (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Mooshroom
Mushroom Field Shore (Unused)

Back when this biome could spawn in default worlds, it was another place where you could have found Mooshrooms and other features of Mushroom Fields—but attached to the mainland. Essentially, Mushroom Field Shores was a Beach variant that had all the features of a Mushroom Fields biome plus a few traits of regular Beaches.
Mycelium covered the area, but you could have still found Shipwrecks and Buried Treasure, albeit only in the Bedrock Edition. Furthermore, hostile mobs could not normally spawn here either, making it a pretty safe place to explore and set up a base. Since it was connected to the mainland, trees would also usually be within reach, making this biome a great place to live.
This made Mushroom Field Shores getting mostly cut from the game genuinely a bit sad, as they were arguably the better variant of Mushroom Fields due to not being found exclusively in Ocean biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.9
- The humidity is 1.0
Noteworthy Features
- Giant Mushroom
- Mushroom
- Mycelium
- Shipwreck (Bedrock Edition)
- Buried Treasure (Bedrock Edition)
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Mooshroom
- Bats (underground)
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Mooshroom

This variant of a Plains biome often spawns near Mountain biomes, making it somewhat of a transitional area between low and high elevation locations. As such, Meadows have traits from both Plains and Mountains, which makes them great for finding many natural resources.
While exploring a Meadow, you’ll find plenty of flowers, Bees, and some other animal mobs. Additionally, Villages and Pillager Outposts can also generate here, making Meadows the closest place to most Mountains where you can find true structures.
On top of that, the spawning of ore is pretty frequent. This would allow you to find Emerald, Iron Ore, and Coal fairly easily—although Infested Stone also generates in Meadows, so be careful when mining.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5 (Java Edition)
- The temperature is 0.3 (Bedrock Edition)
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Oak tree
- Birch tree
- Bee Nest
- Dandelion
- Cornflower
- Poppy
- Allium
- Oxeye Daisy
- Azure Bluet
- Iron Ore
- Coal
- Emerald
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Donkey
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Donkey
- Rabbit
Windswept Hills

These fairly cold biomes are sometimes found at the base of Mountain biomes. As such, due to their elevation and colder climate, you’re likely to find Snow here.
Across this landscape, you’ll find a fair number of Oak and Spruce trees. Also, with a lot of exposed Stone, you can find quite a bit of ore, such as Coal, Iron, and Emerald. Although, like other Mountain biomes, you’ll need to be wary of Infested Stone and the Silverfish it can spawn.
Structures do not spawn here, however, a lot of animals do. While exploring a Windswept Hills biome, you can encounter Llamas, Cows, Pigs, and more.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.2
- The humidity is 0.3
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Spruce tree
- Iron Ore
- Coal
- Emerald
- Snow
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mountain Edge (Unused)

In the past, the Mountain Edge biome was used in order to make the areas between mountainous and other biomes more gradual. As such, you’d find Mountain Edge biomes often at the edges of biomes like Windswept Hills—thus giving a reason for the former’s name.
However, for the aforementioned reason, it possessed most of the same traits as Windswept Hills biomes. This was in order to make it even more of a transitional area. With that said, there were a few differences in regards to passive mob spawns.
As such, you could find a lot of trees and ore here, which made it a generally useful place to explore if you needed resources of many kinds. Though, since it’s classified as a Mountain biome, you would have still found the annoying Infested Stone blocks here. Ugh, Silverfish…
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.2
- The humidity is 0.3
Noteworthy Features
- Oak tree
- Spruce tree
- Iron Ore
- Coal
- Emerald
- Snow
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Axolotl
- Llama
Windswept Gravelly Hills

This biome is much like Windswept Hills, however, many Dirt blocks are replaced with Gravel. As a result, trees spawn far less frequently. On top of that, the large quantity of Gravel also makes it dangerous to mine here. If you’re digging into the side of a hill and there’s Gravel above you, a bunch of it could cascade down and create suffocation-related dangers.
In terms of natural resources, Windswept Gravelly Hills have virtually identical ore loot to Windswept Hills, but no real plants or trees to harvest for wood. Although, the animal and other mob spawns also remain similar to that of Windswept Hills biomes.
Due to also being quite chilly, it’s possible to find Snow here as well. However, Ice blocks do not form here as it’s not quite cold enough for that. Flowing water can potentially spawn in the form of waterfalls, which can make ascending certain areas a bit easier.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.2
- The humidity is 0.3
Noteworthy Features
- Iron Ore
- Coal
- Emerald
- Snow
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Llama
Jagged Peaks

Jagged Peaks are one of the biomes with the highest elevation. They are composed almost entirely of Stone but are also covered by a great number of Snow blocks due to the very cold climate.
Among the Snow, Ice, and Stone blocks, ore can spawn fairly frequently. As such, you could potentially find a lot of Iron, Coal, and Emerald. Interestingly, Pillager Outposts can also spawn here—which is rare for Mountain biomes.
Although, besides hostile and ambient mobs, one of the only creatures you’ll find here are Goats. These relatively rare animal mobs are the only source of Goat Horns, which you can use to make sounds by blowing into them.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.7
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Snow
- Ice
- Emerald
- Iron
- Coal
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
Frozen Peaks

Very similar to Jagged Peaks, Frozen Peaks are mostly different due to the sheer amount of Ice and Snow that covers them. Furthermore, this is one of the few places where Packed Ice can form. Packed Ice differs from regular Ice blocks in that it does not melt when near a source of light. As such, they can potentially be used as novel decorative blocks.
While the same kinds of ore can spawn in Frozen Peaks as in Jagged Peaks, you’ll have a harder time getting to it, as there will be a lot of Snow and Ice in your way. Additionally, the ever-annoying Infested Stone blocks also spawn here, which will make mining even more tedious.
As for mob spawns, Frozen Peaks are identical to Jagged Peaks. The animal mob you’ll find the most here is Goats.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.7
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Packed Ice
- Snow
- Ice
- Emerald
- Iron
- Coal
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
Snowy Slopes

Whereas Frozen Peaks are mostly covered in Ice blocks, Snowy Slopes are mountainous ranges that are blanketed almost exclusively in Snow Blocks. What’s more, Powder Snow blocks also spawn here.
The difference between Powder Snow and regular Snow is that the former drops nothing when mined and the latter drops Snowballs. Although, you can collect Powder Snow in a Bucket to create a Powder Snow Bucket, which lets you place the block of Powder Snow anywhere you like.
As for mob and structure spawning, Snowy Slopes can generate some unique ones. In addition to Goats, Rabbits and Polar Bears are among the rarer passive mobs you can find. But Polar Bears only spawn in the Bedrock Edition. For structures, both Pillager Outposts and Igloos can appear.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.3
- The humidity is 0.9
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Igloo
- Powder Snow
- Snow
- Ice
- Emerald
- Iron
- Coal
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear

Fairly reminiscent of Snowy Slopes, Groves are similar but are covered in Spruce trees as well as Snow. Furthermore, Powder Snow can still be found here in decent amounts.
The appearance of trees allows some more passive mobs to spawn, such as Wolves and Foxes. Plus, more common mobs can also appear, so it’s likely you’ll also find Cows, Pigs, and more—albeit only in the Java Edition.
Despite the abundance of Snow, Igloos cannot spawn here, but Pillager Outposts can. There’s quite a bit of Dirt here, which is required for trees to spawn, therefore there is less exposed Stone, and, as a result, fewer chances to easily find ore like in other Mountain biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is -0.2
- The humidity is 0.8
Noteworthy Features
- Pillager Outpost
- Powder Snow
- Snow
- Spruce tree
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Sheep
- Pig
- Chicken
- Cow
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Wolf
- Rabbit
- Fox
Ice Spikes

Characterized by its spires made from Packed Ice blocks, the Ice Spikes biome is one of the most visually unique among the colder biomes. The landscape has virtually no trees, and whatever grass can spawn is usually covered in a layer of Snow.
This makes Ice Spikes inhospitable for most passive mobs, although Polar Bears and Rabbits can spawn here. For similar reasons, there are no naturally generated structures.
With this in mind, despite the cool appearance, there isn’t much to harvest in Ice Spikes unless you want a lot of Packed Ice.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Packed Ice
- Ice
- Snow
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat (underground)
- Glow Squid (underground)
- Slime (underground)
- Goat
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear

Rivers are one of the most common biomes in the game. They can be found separating or running through many types of landscapes. They are particularly useful for finding Sugar Cane and Clay, however, a few aquatic mobs can also be found within these natural waterways.
Squid and Salmon are the most common aquatic mobs you can find. Beneath the water’s surface, you can find Seagrass growing on the riverbed. In place of regular hostile mobs, only Drowned can spawn in water.
Since Rivers are too shallow to spawn underwater structures, you won’t ever find rare loot within them. With that said, Rivers can sometimes lead to Ocean biomes, which can possess such structures.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Clay
- Sand
- Gravel
- Sugar Cane
- Seagrass
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
Frozen River

A Frozen River is a River biome that has spawned in a climate cold enough to freeze it. The surface is composed mostly of Ice blocks, as can be much of the area below the surface.
Due to its solid nature, mobs that only spawn on land can also spawn here. Conversely, all aquatic mobs except Squids cannot spawn in Frozen Rivers.
If you’re after resources besides Ice, you’ll have a hard time getting to them due to the Ice blocks barring your way. Additionally, the Snow blocks that cover the banks that flank a Frozen River can make things similarly difficult when mining.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Ice
- Snow
- Clay
- Sand
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Drowned
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Squid
- Polar Bear
- Rabbit
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Squid
- Rabbit
- Polar Bear

The most basic out of the large underwater biomes, Ocean biomes set the bar in terms of what you’ll find when you enter the seas of Minecraft. In addition to finding the same natural resources as in Rivers, you can also find Kelp—and more.
However, the most exciting features of Oceans are their animal mobs and naturally generated structures. While swimming around, you’re likely to come across Dolphins in addition to many Squids and Cods.
As for structures, you can potentially find Shipwrecks, Ocean Ruins, and even rare Ocean Monuments. Such sites are great places to get loot, however, you’ll need some way to increase how long you can stay underwater, lest you risk drowning.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Clay
- Sand
- Gravel
- Kelp
- Seagrass
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Dolphins
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Dolphins
Deep Ocean

Deep Oceans are very similar to Oceans, although the former always spawn further down than the latter. Besides depth, you can tell these two biomes apart by the fact that Deep Oceans only possess Gravel on the seafloor.
With that said, the mob spawns and structure generation are the same. You’ll need to greatly enhance how long you can hold your breath underwater if you ever want to find the cool loot that appears in Deep Oceans.
On the seafloor, you can also find trenches and cracks within which you can explore. Although, there isn’t much reason to do so, as these nooks and crannies rarely hold any loot.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Gravel
- Kelp
- Seagrass
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Dolphins
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Dolphins
Cold Ocean

As you’d expect, Cold Oceans are Ocean biomes that spawn in colder climates. The water here is a bit more purple than in regular Oceans. Furthermore, Seagrass does not grow here are much as in warmer aquatic biomes.
In regards to animal mobs, the same kinds appear as in normal Oceans except for Dolphins, which don’t seem to like the colder waters. Sadly, these waves aren’t too cold for Drowned.
Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins can be found in Cold Oceans, but not Ocean Monuments. As such, there is still loot to find here, but not as much. It’s worth noting that despite being labeled as colder, the temperature and humidity are the same in Cold Oceans as in generic Oceans.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Clay
- Sand
- Gravel
- Kelp
- Seagrass
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
Deep Cold Ocean

Much like how Deep Oceans are a further-down variant of Oceans, Deep Cold Oceans are the same for Cold Oceans. As such, the latter two are quite similar but possess the same differences that set Deep Oceans apart from Oceans.
As such, you won’t find Sand or Clay on the seafloor—only Gravel. Though, with this change, you’ll also be more likely to find Ocean Monuments because they can actually spawn in this deeper underwater biome.
In regards to mob spawns, Deep Cold Oceans possess the same friends and foes as in Cold Oceans.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Gravel
- Kelp
- Seagrass
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
Frozen Ocean

As you can probably guess from the name of this biome, Frozen Oceans are huge expanses of Ice that cover large bodies of water. These biomes spawn in very cold climates and make underwater travel difficult and dangerous.
Conversely, all of the Ice blocks make traveling across Frozen Oceans quick and easy. As you slip and slide through this frigid terrain, you won’t come across the most common mobs, although, you’ll find rare ones that can only live in cold weather.
During the day, you have a high chance of spotting Polar Bears among the wealth of Ice, Packed Ice, and Blue Ice. And, at night, you can come face to face with the creepy Strays—much like in other cold biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Gravel
- Sand
- Clay
- Snow
- Ice
- Packed Ice
- Blue Ice
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Squid
- Salmon
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Polar Bear
- Rabbit
Deep Frozen Ocean

As the deeper variant of Frozen Ocean biomes, Deep Frozen Oceans are quite similar. However, at the surface, there isn’t a thick layer of Ice that creates a flat surface to walk on.
In this chilly abyss, you can find Ocean Monuments as well as the Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins you could find in Frozen Oceans. Also, like Frozen Oceans, no Kelp or Seagrass can grow in this near-sub-zero body of water. However, strangely, the temperature here is actually a bit higher than in Frozen Oceans—which explains the lack of surface Ice.
At the surface, you can still find Polar Bears and other terrestrial mobs, but, since there are not many solid blocks for them to spawn upon, they’ll be rare. As such, the majority of the wildlife found in Deep Frozen Oceans is the aquatic kind.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Gravel
- Snow
- Ice
- Packed Ice
- Blue Ice
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Squid
- Salmon
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Polar Bear
- Rabbit
Legacy Frozen Ocean (Unused)

Back when Legacy Frozen Oceans were part of default worlds, they appeared like ice deserts. Besides a massive plain of Ice blocks, there was nothing to see at the surface besides the mobs that could spawn (mostly the typical cold-weather variety).
However, beneath the surface, you could still find seaborne vegetation as well as a few structures. Since Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins could spawn, there were at least some sources of loot here.
Although, the potential to get trapped under ice and drowning was so high that such undersea exploration was extremely risky. Maybe that’s why Drowned mobs were so common here…
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Gravel
- Ice
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Squid
- Salmon
- Polar Bear
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Stray
- Skeleton
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Polar Bear
- Rabbit
Lukewarm Ocean

These pleasant light blue waters are home to a lot of plants and animals. You can find tons of Kelp and Seagrass on the sandy seafloor of Lukewarm Oceans—plus some rare species of fish.
In addition to common Cod, you can also find many types of Tropical Fish here. Furthermore, in the Bedrock Edition, you can also find Salmon and, in the Java Edition, you can find Pufferfish.
As for structures, there are no Ocean Monuments. However, Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins can be found. What’s more, the Ocean Ruins in this biome will be made of Sand and Sandstone as opposed to Stone like the Ocean Ruins in other Ocean biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Gravel
- Sand
- Clay
- Seagrass
- Kelp
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Pufferfish
- Tropical Fish
- Dolphin
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Salmon
- Tropical Fish
- Dolphin
Deep Lukewarm Ocean

Much like Lukewarm Oceans, Deep Lukewarm Oceans possess quite a bit of natural resources—just deeper down. However, unlike many other Deep Ocean biomes, you can find many Sand blocks covering the seafloor as opposed to Gravel.
With that said, you’ll have a hard time finding any Clay or Gravel. Growing from the sandy sediment, you’ll find many tufts of Seagrass and bodies of Kelp to harvest.
However, in line with the other Deep Ocean biomes, Ocean Monuments can spawn here in addition to Shipwrecks and Ocean Ruins. Furthermore, you’ll also be able to find the same kinds of mobs you’d come across in regular Lukewarm Oceans.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Sand
- Seagrass
- Kelp
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Pufferfish
- Tropical Fish
- Dolphin
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Salmon
- Tropical Fish
- Dolphin
Warm Ocean

Easily the most vibrant of the Ocean biomes, Warm Oceans are most notable for their beautiful Coral block growths. Many of these pink, blue, and yellow patches spawn together to create entire reefs.
However, Kelp cannot grow here—but Seagrass still does. Furthermore, you’re likely to find plenty of Sea Pickles sitting atop Coral blocks. Strangely, yet somewhat consistently, the actual temperature of these waters is similar to most other Ocean variants.
As for animal mobs, you’ll find the greatest variety of aquatic life here. Pretty much all kinds of seafaring critters call Warm Oceans home. Therefore, if you’re going bucket-fishing, Warm Oceans are the ideal location to visit.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Sand
- Seagrass
- Coral
- Sea Pickle
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Dolphins
- Pufferfish
- Tropical Fish
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Dolphins
- Pufferfish
- Tropical Fish
Deep Warm Ocean (Unused)

Back when Deep Warm Oceans could spawn in default worlds, they were relatively boring compared to their shallow-water variant. No Coral, Sea Pickles, or Kelp could spawn here—which allowed Seagrass to dominate the sandy seafloor.
In regards to structures, Ocean Monuments, Shipwrecks, and Ocean Ruins could all spawn here. Additionally, Magma blocks and Obsidian could also appear, which made exploring these clear blue waters somewhat more worthwhile.
When taking a look at what kinds of passive mobs spawn, there were no Pufferfish to be found in the Java Edition. However, the trademark species of warm waters: Tropical Fish, could still be found in both versions of the game.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Shipwreck
- Ocean Ruin
- Ocean Monument
- Sand
- Seagrass
- Magma
- Obsidian
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Cod
- Dolphins
- Tropical Fish
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Drowned
- Squid
- Salmon
- Cod
- Dolphins
- Pufferfish
- Tropical Fish
Dripstone Caves

This biome is most known for its eponymous feature: Pointed Dripstones. These Minecraft equivalents of stalactites (the ceiling ones) and stalagmites (the floor ones) make up much of this cave biome’s most interesting traits. The two can also merge to form pillar-like stalagnates. Furthermore, they only grow on Dripstone blocks—which are also exclusive to this biome.
In addition to Pointed Dripstones, the most common resource you can find in Dripstone Caves is Copper Ore, as it spawns here with more frequency than in other biomes. As for mobs, you’ll find the usual hostile ones here but also Drowned due to the abundance of water.
Interestingly, there is also a pretty big difference between the climates of Dripstone Caves between the Java and Bedrock Editions of the game. In the former, Dripstone Caves are much warmer and more humid, however, in the latter, they are pretty cold and dry—with comparable traits to snowy biomes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.8 (Java Edition)
- The temperature is 0.2 (Bedrock Edition)
- The humidity is 0.4 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0 (Bedrock Edition)
Noteworthy Features
- Pointed Dripstone
- Dripstone
- Copper Ore
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Drowned
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat
- Glow Squid
- Slime
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Drowned
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid
- Slime
Lush Caves

Full of unique vegetation, Lush Caves are the only place you can find certain rare plants and animal mobs. Glow Berries and Axolotls are some of the natural features you’ll be most excited to find in this underground paradise.
In order to locate these relatively rare caves, your best bet is to travel above ground and keep your eyes open for Azalea trees—which are a variant of Oak trees that have purple flowers on their Leaf blocks. Lush Caves always spawn under Azalea trees.
While hostile mobs have the same chances to spawn here as in most other biomes, they’re less likely to do so as the Glow Berries that fill Lush Caves generate light. This makes Lush Caves a bit safer to explore, as well as more beautiful than other caves.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5 (Java Edition)
- The temperature is 0.9 (Bedrock Edition)
- The humidity is 0.5 (Java Edition)
- The humidity is 0 (Bedrock Edition)
Noteworthy Features
- Rooted Dirt
- Hanging Roots
- Moss Block
- Moss Carpet
- Clay
- Clay
- Small Dripleaf
- Big Dripleaf
- Vines
- Cave Vines
- Spore Blossom
- Glow Berry
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Bat
- Glow Squid
- Slime
- Tropical Fish
- Axolotl
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Spider
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Skeleton
- Creeper
- Slime
- Enderman
- Witch
- Spider Jockey
- Chicken Jockey
- Glow Squid
- Axolotl
- Tropical Fish
Nether Wastes

The most common of the horrid hellscapes that lie beyond a Nether Portal, Nether Wastes are full of lava lakes and Netherrack. As such, you’ll always need to be careful when traversing this fiery domain—lest you fall to a burning doom.
However, there are great treasures to be found here. Glowstone, Nether Quartz, and more can spawn in large amounts. Such resources will also often be peeking out from the red Netherrack that dominates this biome.
Roaming around, looking for a player to kill, are Ghasts and Magma Cubes. However, even the passive mobs—like the Piglin—can be dangerous if you get on their bad side. In terms of structures, Bastion Remnants are the most common. Although, you can also find Nether Fortresses if you look hard enough.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Bastion Remnant
- Nether Fortress
- Ruined Portal
- Glowstone
- Soul Sand
- Nether Quartz Ore
- Nether Gold Ore
- Ancient Debris
- Blackstone
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Ghast
- Magma Cube
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Zombified Piglin
- Zombified Chicken Jockey
- Strider
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Ghast
- Magma Cube
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Zombified Piglin
- Strider
Soul Sand Valley

While fire hazards are a lot less common in this Nether biome, exploring here will still be tedious. The reason for the tedium is due to Soul Sand Valleys being composed of (surprise, surprise) Soul Sand. This block decreases movement speed, so, even if you’re sprinting through the area, it will still take you a while to get anywhere.
With that said, you can still find structures full of treasure here, such as Bastion Remnants and Nether Fortresses. Interestingly, you can also find huge Nether Fossils, which indicate that this biome was once home to gigantic creatures. Thankfully, such behemoths are no longer around. Instead, this biome is full of more common Nether mobs, like Ghasts and Striders.
Although, Skeletons and Endermen can also spawn here to make your travels more dangerous. On a related note, Skeletons are the worst foe here by far, as you can’t approach them quickly to take them down with melee attacks and their arrows will knock you back—preventing you from closing the distance. As such, even a single Skeleton archer can pose a threat unless you have ranged attacks.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Bastion Remnant
- Nether Fortress
- Ruined Portal
- Nether Fossil
- Basalt Pillar
- Glowstone
- Soul Sand
- Soul Soil
- Basalt
- Bone Block
- Crimson Roots
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Ghast
- Skeleton
- Enderman
- Strider
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Ghast
- Skeleton
- Enderman
- Strider
Crimson Forest

I hope you like the color red, as, if you enter a Crimson Forest, you’ll be faced with even more of it than in Nether Wastes. Despite there being no rainfall in any part of The Nether, vegetation can still grow here—albeit only of the fungal variety.
Besides loads of Netherrack, this biome is full of Giant Crimson Fungus, which look much like trees. These massive mushrooms are the only source of Crimson Stems, which are needed to make Crimson Planks (a type of wooden plank). In and around Giant Crimson Fungi, you can potentially find Shroomlights, which are orange blocks that emit light.
As for wildlife in this biome, Hoglins can be found in decent numbers. However, don’t get too close to these underworld boars, as they are hostile and will attack you on sight! In addition to doing damage, the adult Hoglins can also launch you upwards—even if you’re blocking with a Shield. Though, strangely, you can still breed them despite their hostility. All you need to do so is feed them some small Crimson Fungus. This will let a pair of adult Hoglins produce a cute little baby Hoglin…which will then immediately attack you after being born. Yikes.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Bastion Remnant
- Nether Fortress
- Ruined Portal
- Giant Crimson Fungus
- Glowstone
- Crimson Nylium
- Nether Wart
- Shroomlight
- Crimson Roots
- Crimson Fungus
- Warped Fungus
- Weeping Vines
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Hoglin
- Piglin
- Zombified Piglin
- Zombified Chicken Jockey
- Strider
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Hoglin
- Piglin
- Zombified Piglin
- Strider
Warped Forest

The abundance of green here may give you some Christmas vibes, which isn’t that inappropriate, as this biome is much safer than others in The Nether. Furthermore, Warped Forests will give your eyes some relief from all the glaring reds of this dimension thanks to the cyan Giant Warped Fungi and dark blue fog.
Much like Giant Crimson Fungi, Giant Warped Fungi are a source of rare wooden planks. When you chop down one of these turquoise titans, you’ll get Warped Stems, which can be turned into Warped Planks. While hard to get, this is one of the nicest-looking types of wooden planks and makes for visually appealing construction material.
In regards to mob spawns, there’s not too much to see in Warped Forests—which is a good thing in the Nether. The only creatures you can find here are the passive Striders and mostly-chill Endermen. Just don’t look at the latter directly and you’ll be fine.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Bastion Remnant
- Nether Fortress
- Ruined Portal
- Giant Warped Fungus
- Glowstone
- Warped Nylium
- Warped Wart Block
- Shroomlight
- Warped Roots
- Crimson Roots
- Warped Fungus
- Crimson Fungus
- Nether Sprouts
- Twisting Vines
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
- Strider
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
- Strider
Basalt Deltas

Steep peaks, high cliffs, and lava lakes—oh my! The chaotic terrain and plentiful fiery liquid here make Basalt Deltas one of the most dangerous places in The Nether…and the entire game. Pretty much everywhere you go in such a biome will possess either a risk of falling from a great height or burning to death.
What’s more, Magma Cubes are everywhere. As they are immune to fire damage, even lava won’t stop them from bouncing over to you to make your day worse. Furthermore, since they split into smaller Magma Cubes when hit, you’ll have to fight a bunch of them anytime you seek to take one down. And, on top of that, the jagged basalt landscape will make any escape attempts difficult.
With that said, Basalt Deltas are arguably the best biome to find a Nether Fortress. Put simply, Bastion Remnants and Nether Fortress require the same spawning criteria—though the former does not generate in Basalt Deltas. That, combined with the openness of this biome, should allow you to find Nether Fortresses a bit easier.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 2
- The humidity is 0
Noteworthy Features
- Nether Fortress
- Ruined Portal
- Basalt Column
- Glowstone
- Blackstone
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Ghast
- Magma Cube
- Strider
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Ghast
- Magma Cube
- Strider
The End

The eponymous biome in The End dimension, this was initially the first (and only) place you could explore in the final area of Minecraft. The large island made of End Stone is densely populated by Endermen, though, the Ender Dragon also spawns here.
A ring of tall Obsidian Pillars surrounds the Exit Portal located at the center of this biome. Upon each Obsidian Pillar rests an End Crystal—all of which you need to destroy to prevent the Ender Dragon from regenerating health.
So far, this is still the only biome in The End for Bedrock Edition players. However, Java Edition gamers have more to explore in this dimension than these battlegrounds for a showdown with the Ender Dragon. With that said, End Cities, Chorus Trees, Chorus Plants, and Chorus Flowers can spawn here in the Bedrock Edition, but not in the Java Edition. It’s also worth mentioning that, despite having natural humidity, it cannot rain here—for which the Endermen are likely very glad.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- Obsidian Pillar
- Obsidian Platform
- Exit portal
- End End Gateway
- Chorus tree (Bedrock Edition)
- End City (Bedrock Edition)
- End Stone
- Obsidian
- Bedrock
- Chorus Plant (Bedrock Edition)
- Chorus Flower (Bedrock Edition)
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
- Ender Dragon
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
- Ender Dragon
Small End Islands

The floating platforms of End Stone that compose Small End Islands are mostly barren. There isn’t much to see on them, as they’re mostly for aesthetics. As such, there isn’t really a point in exploring these spits of land lingering in the void.
However, if you do wish to do some otherworldly island-hopping, you’ll need some way to cross the big gaps between each End Stone platform. Just be careful if you do so, as one small miscalculation will send you hurtling downwards into an infinite abyss.
Besides plenty of End Stone, the only things you’ll find in this biome are Endermen and End Gateways.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- End Gateway
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
End Midlands

Slight less barren than Small End Islands—and a lot safer to traverse—End Midlands are still not that interesting. Besides the typical wealth of End Stone, you can find End Gateways as well as End Cities here.
As such, there is some potential to find treasures within the End Cities that spawn here. Although, you’ll still need to be wary of the numerous Enderman that spawn in this location. Since End Cities spawn here, you can also potentially spot a rare End Ship.
As long as you don’t stare at any Endermen directly, you’ll be pretty safe, as there aren’t many chances to fall into the void.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- End Gateway
- End City
- (Possible) End Ship
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
End Highlands

Easily the most interesting out of all The End biomes, End Highlands have quite a bit of features worth investigating. The most significant of these are the End Cities that can spawn at a higher frequency than in other End biomes.
Furthermore, End Ships can also spawn in the air near End Cities. In addition to other loot, you can potentially find Elytra upon End Ships, which makes them always worth exploring…if you can reach them.
End Highlands also have a greater number of Chorus Trees, which makes the landscape less barren. Due to these purple forests, End Highlands are one of the few places in this dimension that seems to have an actual ecosystem, albeit an alien one.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- End Gateway
- End City
- Chorus Tree
- End Ship
- Chorus Plant
- Chorus Flower
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
End Barrens

No doubt the place least worth checking out in The End, End Barrens are exactly how they sound: barren of most noteworthy features. These biomes spawn around the edges of End Stone islands and are more meant to round off the terrain than to entice adventurers into exploring.
The only type of structure that spawns here is End Gateways. Besides that, this place is all End Stone and Endermen. Furthermore, the cliffs above the void make it precarious to traverse.
Even if you can fly around with an Elytra, you could still potentially make a miscalculation and spiral down into the depths of this realm. As such, you’re better off exploring elsewhere.
Weather Details
- The temperature is 0.5
- The humidity is 0.5
Noteworthy Features
- End Gateway
Mob Spawn List in Java Edition
- Enderman
Mob Spawn List in Bedrock Edition
- Enderman
Superflat (Preset)

As the first and oldest of the preset terrains, the Superflat preset (also known as Classic Flat or Flatland) is an infinite plain of grassy Dirt blocks. If you turn off structures when creating a new world, nothing will spawn here. This preset is mainly used so that you can have unlimited unobstructed room to build.
If you want to create your own Superflat world, you’ll need to head into the world creation menu and select the “Superflat” option. Additionally, there are some variations of this preset that you can use for other creative purposes. You still need to select the “Superflat” world creation option for this—but you’ll also need to click the “Customize” button and input specific strings of text depending on what variant you want.
Text Inputs Needed for the Superflat Preset Variants
- Tunneler’s Dream (a world mostly made of Stone):
- Water World (a world made mostly of water and Deepslate):
- Overworld (a thin world made mostly of Stone):
- Snowy Kingdom (a world covered in Snow):
- Bottomless Pit (a thin world where the Bedrock layer is replaced with Cobblestone):
- Desert (a world that’s one big flat Desert biome):
- Redstone Ready (a world made almost entirely from Sandstone):
The Void (Preset)

The Void is a special kind of Superflat preset. The only way to experience The Void properly is to create a new world with specific settings. The only thing found in The Void is a square platform made of Stone with a single block of Cobblestone at the center.
To generate The Void, when you’re creating a new world, you’ll need to select the “Superflat” world type. Afterward, you’ll need to do a bit of customization. Click the “Customize” button and then type in the following:
- minecraft:air;minecraft:the_void
Furthermore, you’ll need to turn off structures (unless you want random Villages and other structures to spawn). In terms of mob spawns, nothing will show up here without a spawn egg with the exception of Phantoms.
With that said, you can still find this biome in a naturally generated world if you use the “Buffet” world type in the world creation menu. However, since the only thing in The Void is a platform of Stone, it will be easy to miss, as it will likely blend into its surroundings. The only exception is if the stone platform spawns in the air or above the terrain.
Deep Dark (Not Yet In-Game)

The Deep Dark is an Overworld cave biome that is planned to be in the Java Edition 1.19 and Bedrock Edition 1.19.0 updates of Minecraft. This biome, among other features, was announced during Minecraft Live 2021, which took place in October 2021. The update that includes this spooky new biome is planned to be implemented into the game in 2022, although an exact date has not been mentioned.
The most dominant feature of the Deep Dark are the dim blue blocks called Sculk. Among these pretty yet sinister-looking blocks, there are also Sculk Shriekers: a horrifying variant of a Redstone block that can summon a mob called a Warden. These Wardens are hostile mobs with 250 Hearts of health that will allegedly deal the highest amount of non-explosive damage out of all current mobs. Truly terrifying.
The reason to investigate this intimidating new domain is apparently to explore a new type of structure called Ancient Cities. Within these deep cityscapes, it has been hinted that they will contain Chests holding loot that won’t be available anywhere else.