Purple is a bold color that is often associated with royalty, luxury, and sometimes arcane mystery. If you want to make dye of this color in Minecraft, however, you’ll need a couple of others first in.
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What You Need to Make Purple Dye

All you need to make Purple Dye are Blue Dye and Red Dye. For each 1 Blue Dye and 1 Red Dye used, you’ll get 2 Purple Dye. You can mix the primary colors on any kind of crafting grid, even the 2×2 one in your inventory.
How to Get Blue Dye
You can get Blue Dye from either Lapis Lazuli or Cornflowers. To get the former, you’ll have to dig pretty deep, as Lapis Lazuli Ore blocks only spawn in the lowest layers. Thankfully, each block will drop somewhere from 4 to 9 Lapis Lazuli each when mined. Cornflowers are relatively common surface flowers that you can spot in Plains, Sunflower Plains, Flower Forest, and Meadow biomes.
Simply put either some Lapis Lazuli or Cornflowers onto any crafting grid to turn them into Blue Dye at an equal 1-to-1 ratio. It should also be mentioned that Lapis Lazuli can be used in place of Blue Dye in some Bedrock Edition crafting recipes.
How to Get Red Dye
It’s possible to get Red Dye from a bunch of different resources. All of which are relatively common, making this vibrant color of dye easy to get. Here’s a quick breakdown of what gives you Red Dye and how much:
Item Name | How Much Red Dye it Gives You | Where You Can Find it |
Poppy | 1 Red Dye each | In the following biomes: -Plains -Sunflower Plains -Forests -Birch Forests -Dark Forests -Flower Forests -Meadows |
Red Tulip | 1 Red Dye each | In the following biomes: -Plains -Sunflower Plains -Forests -Birch Forests -Dark Forests -Flower Forests -Meadows |
Rosebush | 2 Red Dye each | In the following biomes: -Forests -Birch Forests -Dark Forests -Flower Forests |
Beetroot | 1 Red Dye each | Village farms have a 10% chance to contain Beetroots. |
What Purple Dye Can Be Used For

Purple in Minecraft is usually connected to magic in some way. For example, the color of a Nether Portal is a vibrant vertical pool of purple. As such, purple blocks can be great to visually enhance portal rooms or even those related to enchanting.
The Mobs That You Can Dye Directly
When you equip Purple Dye in your hand, you can change the color of a few different mobs without needing to craft anything.
- You can use Purple Dye on Sheep will turn their wool purple
- You can use Purple Dye to turn the collars of tamed Cats and Wolves purple
What You Can Craft With Purple Dye
Like with all other types of dye, you can use the purple variety in the usual color-changing crafting recipes.
- You can combine Beds with Purple Dye to make Purple Beds
- You can combine Candles with Purple Dye to make Purple Candles
- When you’re making Concrete Powder, you can use Purple Dye to make Purple Concrete Powder
- When crafting various Fireworks, you can use Purple Dye to make them have purple particle effects
- You can combine Glass blocks with Purple Dye to make Purple Stained Glass blocks
- You can combine Glass Panes with Purple Dye to make Purple Stained Glass Panes
- When you combine Terracotta blocks with Purple Dye, you can make Purple Terracotta
- When you combine Wool blocks with Purple Dye, you can make Purple Wool
- You can combine Shulker Boxes with Purple Dye to make Purple Shulker Boxes